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Freddy POV

I paced around the waiting room, frowning more anxious by the minute. My mom sniffed, and my dad comforted her. I wanted to know who did this so bad. Who would be so cruel as if to hurt a sweet angel like her? When we arrived here, it was seven already. It's ten.
We waited for a long time, not knowing if she was alright.


"Well, as it seems when she arrived she was in critical condition. We're going to attempt to remove the bullets from the wounded areas, but you wouldn't happen to know who did this, correct?" The doctor asked. I shook my head. I told him how I found her in the school shed. I called an ambulance right away, and I was a mess. I couldn't hold it back. I was afraid that I would lose the person I loved the most, since we were five.
After that, I grew silent.
He asked me more personal questions, but my father stopped him. "I think that's enough. He needs to take his mind off of this," he said, placing a hand on my shoulder. The doctor nodded as if he understood, but I knew he didn't. After that, we sat here for what felt like an eternity. And we're still waiting.

Flashback over

I sat on the waiting chairs, examining a small bracelet Alison was wearing when I found her. I smiled mentally. She had a small charm of that Pusheen cat she loved so much.
I heard footsteps coming down the hallway, and I looked up. The doctor finally arrived, and his face showed some relief. He nodded, and said, "we were able to remove the bullets in such a short amount of time, and she survived. But, I'm afraid that she won't wake up in another hour or two." My mother placed a hand on my shoulder, and started to thank the doctor. But I stayed in place. "Freddy?" My mother asked. "I want to see her," I said, my voice wavering a bit. The doctor smiled, and nodded. "Don't worry, I'll take care of it here. Do you live far?" He asked. My parents shook their heads. When walking, it only takes twenty minutes or so. I brought my skateboard along, so it shouldn't take long.
My parents went ahead and left, and the doctor led me to where she was. I entered the room, silently, and he gave me some privacy.
"Hey Al," I said. I knew she probably couldn't hear me, but I didn't care. I sat down beside her bed, and rested my head on it. "I'm sorry. I just forgot to tell you that we didn't have practice today, because Mr. Finn had something to do after school. I hope that when you wake up, you forgive me," I said. My eyes slowly started to droop, and I took one last look at her before I went to sleep.

Alison POV

My eyes slowly drifted open. The bright light coming from the window blinded me, and I squinted. Everything involving yesterday started flooding in. The gun. The pain. The girl. A sharp pain shot through my side, and I grunted slightly. I look to my side to find Freddy fast asleep next to me. His soft brown hair was a mess, and I ran my hand through it. His eyes opened. "Morning sunshine," he said, in a morning voice. He yawned, and stretched. "Were you here all night? What about your parents?" I asked.
He smiled, and pushed my bangs behind my ear. "Don't worry. I called them an hour after i fell asleep, and told them I'd be sleeping over," he said gently. I smiled at him.
"I'm just glad your safe and sound."

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