ᑭᖇᗩᑕTIᑕE ᗩᑎᗪ TᕼE ᑎEᗯ GᑌY

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After school, we all decided to practice. Not to pat myself on the back, but we were doing pretty amazing. Tamika was doing a great job on the singing and guitar, while I backed her up with the vocals, Summer was doing good on the tambourine, Zach on the guitar was amazing, Lawrence played the keyboard amazingly, and Freddy was great on the drums. And let's not forget about Mr. Finn with the guitar. He's awesome at it!
It was 5:00 when we finished practicing. Zach placed his guitar on the floor carefully, "have you guys heard about the new student?" He asked. Lawrence nodded, "I hear he's awesome at football." Summer seemed to disagree, "I don't know. It might be a girl." I scoffed, "you guys are talking about it like its a baby. We've had plenty of new students so how much more different can this person be?"
Tamika shook her head, "haven't you heard? This guy's supposed to be a transfer student from- get this- Europe!"
Freddy chuckled, "so what? Some of us aren't from here too."
I yawned, gathering the attention of all five of them. "Talk about what you want, I'm going home." I said, walking out of the classroom. Freddy called out to me, "are you seriously going to leave me here!?" He came out running out of the classroom.
The next day, everyone was talking about the new guy. He hadn't come in yet, but they were already babbling on. The girls daydreamed about how cute he must be, saying he's from Europe and all. I just avoided the conversation and went on with my life. That is until Mr. Finns class. A cute looking guy walks into the room. He has brown hair with a tint of gold,and green eyes. I could hear so,e girls instantly sigh, but I just roll my eyes. Freddy glances from me to him constantly. Until I realize the guy kept looking me up. Mr. Finn tells him to sit behind me. Thanks a lot!
The guy- who said his name is Matthew- taps me on the shoulder. When I turn around, I make sure to get a good look at him. And geez this is one cute thirteen year old!
"What's your name, love?" He asked. He had a hint of European accent in there. "My name's Alison Jenson." I say. A smile tugs at the corner of his lips.
I finally realized that he called me love. Is that normal in Europe? I guess it is. For guys. I could hear Freddy shuffling a bit next to me. He clears his throat, "uh, you don't mind staying quiet? Some of us want to learn here." Since when did he care about education?
We all decided to have lunch in Mr. Finns class. I yawned, and I felt someone rub my shoulders. I jump and look behind me. Freddy was standing behind me. He wraps his arms around my neck and lays his head in the crook of his arm. In my peripheral vision I could see Summer and Tamika look from us to each other. Summer had a look on her face. And it wasn't a happy one. I felt bad for her. I always knew she liked Freddy, and I wanted to give her a chance, but then all this crazy stuff started happening between me and Freddy.
I cough a bit, "Freddy? What're you doing?" He takes a deep breath and mumbles something. All I heard was show, you're, mi. Mi? The hell is mi?
It takes me a moment to piece the puzzle, and I finally get the sentence. To show that you're mine.
I blushed a very red color and stared at the sandwich in front of me. The door swings open, and Matthew comes in.
He stares at Freddy with a look. The, I'm-gonna-beat-the-crap-outta-you look. "Oh, didn't know Alison had a boyfriend." He said. Freddy stood up while I held my hands out in defense. "No, no, no, no, no, no, no! He just-" I was cut off by Freddy who sent me a menacing glare. I whimpered in fear, and got up and sat down next to Tamika. Zach looked at me, "I didn't know you guys were dating." I shake my head. "Nope! We're not!" I say. Freddy and Matthew glared at each other.
I stand up and run over to Freddy just as he raised his hand. I grab hold of it, and try to keep him away from Matthew. "Freddy, stop! Please, don't do anything you'll regret!" I plead.
That's when Matthew quickly pushes me away from Freddy kicks him in the stomach. Freddy lands on the floor with a grunt, and he was about to get up when I grabbed his waist and pleaded with him. Tears pricked the corner of my eyes. Freddy had a lot of force, but so do I. "Grab Matthew, guys!" I yell at the others. Summer and Tamika just watch, but Zach and Lawrence grab Matthew and kept him back .
My arms grow tired, and a tear streams down my face. That's when Freddy suddenly stops when he hears me sob.
"Freddy, please don't do this! I know how much you care about me, but I can't let you hurt someone you barely know." I say softly.
Matthew grimaces and pushes the two away with a scowl. He stared at me and Freddy, and left. The others let out a sigh of relief, and turn to us. "We should probably leave them alone." Says Lawrence. The others nod in agreement. I could see Summer glare at me before she leaves, but I leave it alone.
I finally let go of Freddy's waist, and scoot in front of him. He shakes his head, "I'm sorry Alison. I didn't mean to make you cry." He's about to say something else, but I interrupted him by kissing him on the lips.
(Freddy POV)
Her lips are warm against mine. I know we've done this before, but it feels more passionate. Alison breaks the kiss and smiles that goddamn beautiful smile of hers. I cup her cheeks in my hands and grin at her. Her brown eyes are so captivating, you can almost get lost in them. She may think she's not as great as other girls, but, to me, Alison will always be perfect.
She holds her hand out and I gladly accept it. I stand up, grimacing a little, but push the pain and discomfort away. Alison yawns, and I can't help but wrap my arms around her waist. My cheek's against hers, and I can tell that she's blushing. She's so adorable. I don't know how guys don't like her. "I'm tired. I want to take a nap," she says. I nod and release my grip. When we walk out, a girl with black hair and brown eyes was walking in our direction.
Oh shit, that's Catty!
She glared at me and her eyes narrowed even more when she saw my arm wrapped around Alison's shoulder. I grabbed Alison's hand and turned her around. I then picked her up bridal style, and ran out the exit.
"Freddy? What the hell are you doing!?" She yelled. I could hear her heart pounding when it became quiet. We had hid behind a tree, and I was breathing hard. Catty came out and looked around but went in the other direction.
I breathed a sigh of relief.
She's gone.

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