Мємσяιєѕ (ραят 2)

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OMFG THIS IS WHERE YOU GUYS GET TO KNOW!!! I think it was in chapter 3, where Alison mentioned that Freddy had seen her get abused by her father in third grade. You get to know the rest of the story!

I stared at the ceiling. I can't believe everything went wrong in just two days. The memories came flooding back in again.
And I let them. I had no problem with it at all. I wanted to remember being with him.

After that, we started talking more. It was in third grade that he had decided to come to my house.
"N-no! You shouldn't," I said. Freddy looked at his scored test, and then to me. "So what if your parents don't want you to hang out with a guy. It'll be okay," he said. I fiddled with my thumbs, "it's not that. Just don't come."
He nodded.
Later on, I was in my room, doing my homework, when there was a knock on my window. I opened the curtains, and Freddy waved at me. I gasped, opened it up. "Freddy! What are you doing here!? If my dad comes in and sees you, he'll-"
He placed his hand on my shoulder. "We've known each other for a few years. I'll be by your side," he said. But, that saying was broken.
My father barged into the room, alcohol could be smelled from where he was standing. He saw Freddy, and glared at me. "You bought a boy into the house!?" He yelled. I pushed Freddy away, as my father took his belt off and began to whoop me. In the corner of my eye, I could see my friend huddled outside the window, and shivering. He was nervous, and scared. His look said that he wanted to help. But he couldn't. He knew what would happen if he did. So he ran. He ran away and he was no longer in sight.

Next day

I limped a little on my way to school. Everything that had happened after my beating seemed fuzzy, so I didn't and still don't know what happened to me. "Alison!" I could hear his voice. I stopped, but I didn't turn around.he hugged me tightly, and I tried not to cry as there was a bruise on my back. He let go, and turns me around. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to leave you! Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?" He asked. I smiled at him.
"Yea. But, I want to make three promises with you, okay?"
He nods.
(Omfg, moment of truth! You get to learn about the promises they made! >.<)

"Promise number one: always be there for each other, even if there's a problem that you'll face for doing it," I say. I hold my pinky out, and we pinky promise on the first one. Freddy comes up with the second one.
"Promise number two: we won't leave each other behind. And if it comes to that point, we'll try to find a way to see each other again." We pinky promise.
We then both come up with the last one. The one that we both broke.
"Promise number three: we don't hurt each other. Physically or emotionally." We pinky promise again.
We smile at each other, and we made our way to school.

My eyes shoot open. Sunlight flooded my room, and for a minute, I forgot where I was. Jessica's house. Not Freddy's.
I look around. And I make a decision. I'll apologize. And maybe we could work things out. We always have in the past. And we'll do it again.

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