(Chapt 33) ᗷᗩᑕK TOGETᕼEᖇ

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I turn around, just fast enough to see Freddy rolling on his skateboard! The skateboard trips on a rock, and Freddy's sent flying through the air!
"KYAAAA!" I shriek out, and Freddy falls on top of me. Everyone gathers around to inspect the scene, and I grab onto his earlobe. "YOU IDIOT! You could've killed me!" I shrieked. Freddy rolled his eyes, "I doubt running over you with my skateboard would kill a girl."
I sigh, and hand him his board. "Watch where you're going this time, you bullfrog," I say. Freddy stops rubbing his head, and glared at me, "who you calling a bullfrog!?"
We continue to glare at each other, but then burst out in laughter! Everyone looked at each other questionably, which made me laugh even more.
We continued to laugh, until we arrived to first period.
We stopped laughing when the teacher walked through the door, and began class.
"Hey, Alison, you're coming to practice after school, right?" Zach asked. Lawrence pushed his glasses into place, "yea, I've been wondering too. You've missed a lot of meetings!" I lean against the wall with my arms folded across my chest. I shrugged, "I don't know, to be honest. Maybe I will, maybe I won't." Tamika sighed, "we've been waiting for weeks. I know you've been dealing with all of this stuff going on lately, but please come! We need you!"
Everyone started begging, and I gave up. "Okay, fine! I'll join your little party, again," I said. They all started to hug me, and I became uncomfortable.
I smiled.
At least I have my old friends back.

・・Practice ・・

We practiced an old song, and we finished the day off with great work. We started packing up, and I suddenly felt like I couldn't breath. My chest would hurt when I did, but I tried to take small breaths.
I felt a hand on my head, as soon as my breathing turned back to normal, and I turn around to find Freddy. "Hello, Angel! How ya doin'?" He asked. I chuckle a bit. Sometimes, I feel like he's a pervert. Sometimes, I feel like he's the sweetest person alive. Feels like a bit of both right now.
"Alison! Don't tell you're spacing out again!" He says, snapping his fingers. I snap out of my daze, and grin at him.
He grows silent, and looks at the ground. "Hey, I need to talk to you. It's nothing bad, I promise. It's about... Someone else," he says quietly. My eyes widen slightly, and I look at him and nod. We grab our things, and say goodbye to everyone for today.
He closed the door behind him, and we began to walk down the hallway. "What did you want to talk about?" I asked. He took a deep breath, "I wanted to talk about Jessica." I frowned, "why her? If there's something going on, then tell me."
He ruffled my hair, "predictable as always." He sighed, "no, it's because, since school is about to end, I just wanted to try to try to convince her to become our friend again."
I look at the ground. I never thought about letting her be my friend after all of this. I never reconsidered.
He placed his hand on my shoulder. "I understand if you don't agree with me, but I was just thinking, y'know," he said. I looked up at him, and grinned.
"I agree with you! Even if I don't think it's a good idea, I still think it's the right thing to do," I said, he grinned.
"You're such a goody two shoes!" He said.

These are just forty specific days from the school year, and (whoops, this is chapter 33) POSSIBLY TWO MORE BOOKS AFTER THIS!!!! :D
Sorry for not writing (ahem, typing ;-;) in this book. Again, I was busy with a shit ton of homework. BUT ITS ALL WORTH IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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