ᗰEᗰOᖇIEᔕ (ᑭᗩᖇT 1)

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"Go ahead, I'll give you some time to pack! I have to go shopping with my parents, anyway," Jessica said, going downstairs. I smiled, and waved goodbye. After the door closed, my smile turned to a frown as I started unpacking in the guest room.
When I moved in with Freddy, we both made a bunch of runs to my house to get the things I needed, like clothes, pictures, tampons. Oh, his face when he found the box. I chuckled at the memory, remembering how red his face was.
And then I frowned. Stop thinking about him. It's over. He's with Summer, probably trying to get back at me.
I picked up a box, and took a step backwards. My suitcase behind me topped over, and everything spilled out since I had opened it earlier. I groaned, and start cleaning up my mess.
And that's when I find something. My old diary.
I look around in the bag for the key, and unlock it. I flipped through the old pages inside. I've been writing in this thing since I learned how to write. I flipped to page one.

Dear diary,
today I met a really nice boy. I forgot what his name was. Fredy. Somthing like that.

I cringe a bit at my horrible spelling. Oh, dear. I recalled the entire memory, and I couldn't stop it from playing in my head...

I was five years old, and Freddy was six. It was my first day of kindergarten, and I had a lot of things to carry. I was looking for my classroom, when I suddenly bumped into someone. A boy with light brown hair and green eyes. He turned around instantly, and smiled. "I'm sorry, you probably didn't see me because of the supplies you have, I'll help," he said, bending down to pick up a pencil. I thanked him, and went my merry way.
I finally found my classroom, and I became nervous when I saw about thirty kids in there. But, I calmed down when I saw the boy. He noticed too, and smiled at me. The teacher told me I could sit wherever I wanted. So I sat down next to him.
Lunch came along, and I ate alone, until the boy came and sat down next to me. Funny, I still didn't know his name yet.
"Can I eat with you?" He asked. I just nodded, and continued to sip my on juice box. We are in silence until we finished, which was pretty early. "I'm sorry, I didn't get your name. I'm Freddy, what's yours?" He asked. I was shy back then.
"M-my names Alison," I mumbled, playing with one of my ponytails. He scooted closer to me, "what was that? I couldn't hear you."
"My name is Alison!" I said, a bit more louder than I expected.
Freddy just smiled, and poked my cheek, "you're kind of cute." I blushed a deep shade of red. Nothing else happened, since then. We just talked at random times, until school ended.
I wish we would've talked mo-

"Yo, Alison! I'm back! I got you a Hershey bar!" Jessica's voice broke my thoughts and I smiled, as I put the diary away, and ran downstairs.

"Coming!" I yelled.

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