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Summer sighed, "are you sure? I thought you and Freddy were dating." I put my hands on my hips, "oh, don't worry about me! You totally like Freddy!" I said, glancing at him. Freddy was talking to Zach and some other guy. Tamika could only shake her head, "did something happen while we were gone?" He asked. I remembered about yesterday. His strange behavior. Never in my life, had I seen Freddy skip class. And if did, then he would've told me. I'm the number one person on his trust list. "Alison!" Summer snaps her fingers in front of me. I chuckle, "sorry guys, it just happens. Anyway, no, nothing has happened." I lied. Tamika and Summer look at each other. I then take Summers hand and push her towards my bestie. "Wait, what're you doing!?" She says, gripping the desks.
"Getting him to notice you!" I say through gritted teeth. Freddy looks up when she stumbles over to him.
She blushes majorly. I introduce her, "Freddy, this is Summer. As you already know, she's in our band after school!"
Freddy smiles and waves.
She blushes even deeper. I hold a finger out, "excuse us." I take Summer outside the classroom, and close the door behind me. "How do you get so nervous around him?" I say. Summer flutters her eyelashes dramatically, "he's really cute. The way he's smiles can light up a dark room, and he's so nice, and--" I give her a look.
She blushes out of embarrassment. "Oops." She says.
I can only laugh at her mistake. "It's okay. I'll help you. I know a lot about that knucklehead!"
"Just how much do you know, Alison?" Asks a familiar voice. I turn around and yelp really loud. "M-Mr. Finn! How long have you been standing there!?" I ask. He grins, "long enough to hear about you hooking Summer and Freddy up! Can I help?" I nod. "Sure, you are the teacher, after all."
I close my locker and look at him. "So, are you willing to do it?" I ask. Freddy closes his locker, "do what?"
I sigh, "go on a date with Summer." He agrees to my surprise. "Sure. She's cute." He said. I started to turn around, but he caught my arm. "Freddy, what're you doing?" I ask. He leans down, and kisses my forehead, "but you're cuter." He whispers in my ear, sending a thousand- maybe even more- shivers down my spine. Before he could leave, I stop him. "Freddy? Can I talk to you? Privately?" He raises an eyebrow, "sure. What's wrong?" I take his hand, and drag him to the janitors closet. I close the door, and look at him. "What changed?" I asked. He shrugged, "what are you talking about, Al? I didn't change at all. I'm still the same Freddy."
I averted my gaze from him, "you're acting different." He takes my hands in his, and I shiver at the sudden warmth of his touch. "It's just. I don't know." He says. His grip on my hands tighten, and I feel a sharp pain. But not from my hands. From my stomach. I try hard to keep my face emotionless, but it doesn't work. "Alison, what's wrong? Am I hurting you!?" He releases his grip, but the pain doesn't subside.
I shake my head. "It's nothing. Summer wants to meet up at 7:00pm. Is that okay with you?"
He nods. He then envelopes me in a warm hug.
"I think I'm in love with you."

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