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Next two chapters will be in Freddy's POV!!!!!

Let's be honest here: The hell was I thinking!? Couldn't I have just spoken to Catty about all of this? Yes. Would she have been happy? No. Alison tugs on my sleeve, "why did run? Home's that way you idiot." She points to the opposite direction. I rub the back of my neck, "I know, it's just..." Okay, what do I say? Before I could say anything else, my phone buzzes. Oh great, it's the Wicked Witch of The West herself.

Catty: What the hell is wrong with you? >:( where are you?

Freddy: home. Why?

Alison leaned on my shoulder and looked at the person I was texting. "Who's Catty?" She asked. I blushed, "oh, her? She's just a cousin," I lied. Alison smiled her cute smile.
Saturday, my favorite day of the week. Alison laid on my bed as I played with my 3DS. "I'm bored," she said laying on her stomach. I sighed, "well what do you wanna do? It's not like we have our drivers licenses yet." Then, I came up with an idea. No, we're not gonna roller skate off my roof with fireworks. Although, that could happen.
I stood up and stretched, "you wanna go out?" I asked her casually. She perked up and blushed a bit. She stuttered,
"l-like a date?" My eyes wandered, "if you want it to be."
She grinned, "sure! Let's get ready."
She hasn't been out since the whole "Jade Rubio fiasco" and I intended to change that. The whole thing was a surprise. I was planning on taking her shopping and take her to the lake. When she was eight, she always used to say how much she wanted to go, so, here we are shopping.
She looked around, and let me tell you. Nothing's better that's seeing your bestie so happy. I had to sit outside so she can change into different things, and that's the boring part. "How do I look in this?" She asked, walking out in a knee length light blue dress with elbow long gloves. Her hair was tied into a half ponytail, and she was wearing boots. She brushed her bangs away, and I was speechless. I blushed redder than the sofa, "u-um, it's- wow." She blushed. We bought the dress along with a bathing suit.
I walked up behind her, and placed my hands over her eyes. "Freddy, what're you doing?" She asked. I chuckled, and placed a finger on my lips, "shh, it's a surprise."

Once we were in front of the lake, I took my hands away. Her eyes sparkled with delight, "wow, it's beautiful." I handed her the bathing suit and took my shirt off. I pointed behind a bush, "I'll go change. You should too."

Once we finished changing, we stood in front of the lake. I pushed her and she fell in. She burst out thrashing around, "Freddy! Help, I can't swim!" I didn't mean to! How was I supposed to know she couldn't swim!? I jumped in. "Alison!? Where are you!?" I suddenly felt a hand pull me down. Alison was smirking at me. We both headed up for air, and I pouted, "well that was mean." She giggled, "not as mean as pushing me into the lake." I smirked, and splashed water at her, "Freddy!" She lunged at me, while I splashed water at her wildly. She grabbed my shoulders and our faces were only an inch apart.
I couldn't help but smile at her, as she blushed like a tomato. I placed a kiss on her forehead. She smiled, and kissed my lips.
We finally changed back into our original clothes and watched the sunset. I know, seems cheesy. I had my arm around her shoulders and she leaned her head on my shoulder. "Today was nice." She said gently. I smiled, "yea, it was."

(???? POV) for right now.

I watched them for two hours, and I frowned at her. Who does this girl think she is? And Freddy is cheating on me? Well, I have a plan.

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