"Ιѕ Ѕнє gσιиg Тσ Вє σкαу?"

978 25 5

Freddy's POV

The machine beeped at a regular pace. I held her hand. It was cold, and I feared that she wouldn't make it, but I'd know if she died. The doctor comes in, and we all turn to him.
"I have some bad news," he takes a look at his clipboard, and my heart sinks.
"Asthma?" I asked.
He nods as if his head weighs a thousand pounds.
He reads off what's written on the clipboard, "as it turns out, she's been showing some early symptoms of asthma. But, the thing about her digestive system experiencing pain is unusual. I'm going to have to ask her about it later on."
He pauses for a moment before starting again. "Symptoms are, coughing that can occur at night, during exercise, can be chronic, dry, with phlegm, mild, or severe. For her
Respiratory system, difficulty breathing, wheezing, breathing through the mouth, fast breathing, frequent respiratory infections, rapid breathing, or shortness of breath at night. What's
Also common is acute episodes, chest tightness, anxiety, early awakening, fast heart rate, or throat irritation. Those are the symptoms. When she checks out of the hospital, I'll have an inhaler assigned to her," he explains. He nods, and exits.
Of all this time that I've been trying to take care of her, and I never even noticed. I felt as if it was my fault. But it wasn't.
"We should leave her be," says Mr. Finn. He was the one who drove us here. When she fainted, I was panicking and didn't know who to call. So I called him, and he immediately contacted 911.
He had to drive us, since most of the ambulances near us wouldn't reach us in time. So we drove here.
Everyone started exiting the room except Summer. "Freddy, c'mon," she said. I shook my head, and held her hand tighter. I wasn't going to lose her. I wasn't about to break two of the three promises we had made.
Summer tugs at my arm, but I just tell her to leave me alone.
"So you're going to care about her now, rather than your own girlfriend," she whines. "Summer. We shouldn't fight. Not here, and especially not now. Just leave," I say calmly.
She huffs, and leaves.
I sighed.
I suddenly felt a little movement, and I perked up a bit, "where am I? Oh god, my chest hurts," she said. She looked at me.
I wanted to cry. I wanted to hug her and tell her everything. I wanted to comfort her, even if I'm the one that need comforting. "What's wrong?" She asks. Her brown eyes dig into my green ones. I then noticed that my eyes were glistening with tears. I wiped them away, "I'm sorry. I'm okay."
She turns her head and stares up at the ceiling, "my chest hurts. My throat itches, and my head hurts too."
She seems so... Calm. "You have asthma," I blurt out. Her eyes widen a bit, "what?"
I tighten my grip around Alison's hand, but she doesn't show any pain, "you. Have. Asthma."
I said it more slowly. She blinks, and she frowns. "I'm sorry. It's probably my fault," Alison says. I shake my head.
"It's no ones fault. It's my fault. I wasn't paying that much attention to your actions," I say.
I kiss her hand, and she smiles.
"I love you so much, Alison. I don't want to lose you," I say. A tear streams down my face. On my way to her room, I overheard the doctor talking about Alison.

"Alison Jenson? The one who was diagnosed with asthma?" The nurse said. I only heard Alison's name, nothing else. I stopped, and eavesdropped. "Yes, as it turns out, since her breathing was dangerously low by the time she came here, I'd say that she's even more dilate than when she used to be," says the doctor. "Any bodily harm to the chest could easily cause any damage to her lungs," he said, and that all I got to hear. Zach had caught me listening, and dragged me away.

Alison smiled at me. "I love you too, Freddy. And I promise, I'll be extra careful. And I'll keep this promise."

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