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Alison POV

"An inhaler, huh?" I say, holding up the little plastic tube in my hand. We were in Freddy's house, and I still couldn't believe it. I had asthma.
I look around. "Where's Jessica?" I asked.
Zach shrugged, "she said she was doing something. I dunno, it seems so important that she couldn't visit you."
I tighten my grip around the inhaler, "it's alright. She could've told me." I thought about the last thing that I heard her say before I left for Freddy's house.

"Hey! I'm going to Zach's house!" I called out. I didn't want her to know I was going to Freddy's house. She'd freak out and she would insist on coming with me. To be honest, I thought she'd mess everything up for me.
"Ok! Be careful and try not to get sick!" She called out.
Sick? What does she mean by that? I didn't think about it at all, and headed off. She had giving me a cup of coffee the night before, because I was studying for an upcoming test. But, I obviously still didn't pay attention to it.

Not until now...
I felt sick again, and I took a deep breath. The doctor had told me a few things before they discharged me from the hospital.
He told me that my health wasn't on point, he didn't know why though seeing that I exercise twenty minutes a day. He also asked if I have been eating healthy, and I told him 'yes' of course.
I looked around but I didn't see Freddy nor Summer anywhere. (Writers block :P) "Hey, where are Freddy and Summer?" I asked. Zach rubbed the back of his neck, and Tamika and Lawrence stared at the ground.
"Um, Freddy said that he needed to talk to Summer privately," Tamika said.
I paled a bit, and sighed. Maybe this was my fault. I mean, I did walk in on them making out. But, only because I needed to talk to Freddy about our situation.
We finally arrived at Freddy's house, and I sucked it all in. Mr. Finn dropped us off. He said he had to go to a meeting. Anyway, prepare yourself, Alison, hell's about to unleash.
I walked through his door, and I instantly fall silent.
"Hey," said a voice. I jumped, and looked at the person. Zach.
"You okay?" He asked. I shook my head, "did Freddy ever tell you that he liked Summer?"
Zach looked like he was taken aback. "Why do you ask? I thought they were-" "just friends?" Says Tomika. She leaned on the rail of the staircase, and narrowed her eyes. "I thought that too, until I saw them kissing behind my locker," she chuckled a bit.
We suddenly heard screaming and shouting upstairs. We all tensed, and ran upstairs. The door flew open, and Summer glared angrily at me.
She raised her fist, but I didn't flinch. "This is all your fault!" She threw a punch, but I easily dodged it. "Summer! Calm down! I didn't-" she suddenly landed a punch on me, and I fell to the ground.
"Alison!" Zach yelled out. He rushed to my side, along with Tomika while Freddy stayed alongside with Summer, and Lawrence just watching in surprise. I wiped the saliva off of my mouth, and clenched my jaw.
I'm. About. To. Slap. Someone.
"Thanks. I really needed that, Summer," I say to her, trying my best not to show the rage building up inside of me.
I got up and brushed myself off. I stretched and just stood there, waiting. "What? You're not gonna land another one?" I asked.
Her eyes flared, and I thought I could see steam coming out of her ears.
I shrugged and walked downstairs. "And where are you going!?" She yelled out. I turned my head, and saw that Freddy wasn't doing anything to calm or stop her. He's on her side. I stuck my tongue out, and said," home. It's not like I have any other friends to talk to. And by the way, Freddy."
He looked up, and I tossed a small box to him.
"It's a key. I'll tell you what it's for when your sober," I said.
He huffed,"I am sober you idiot. I don't need your shit." Okay, that hurt. He threw the box onto the floor, and stepped on it, crushing it instantly. I shrugged again.
"Fine. But you'll regret it soon."

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