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Okay, okay, Alison, keep calm and Lock On! Lock on one person at a time. Hopefully it'll work. I have exactly ten hours until the festival. In the mean time...
I walk down the hallway angrily, looking for my bestie. "Freddy! I know you're around here somewhere!" I yell out. It was before school, and me and the rest of the band were the only ones here. We've been practicing nonstop since they told me about the festival.
I suddenly heard footsteps and Freddy rammed into me. He fell to the floor, fear in his eyes.
He stuttered, "I-I-I didn't mean t-to! I promise! Zach made me take the picture!" I glared at him.
"So help me, Freddy, if you're lying this picture won't be the only thing that's torn up!" I said, tearing the picture. He gulped.
Freddy POV
I've never seen her so angry in my life! Maybe I should stop playing pranks on her. Actually, I shouldn't. Pranks is what it's all about.
Alison POV
I can't believe that idiot. He took a picture of me while I was in the shower! That perverted little freak!
I walk down the hallway, and open the door to the practice room. "Where's Zach!?" I ask. Everyone points to a corner, and I can see Zach looking in my direction. He makes a run for it, but I catch him in the act. "You have some explaining to do." I say through clenched teeth. He gulped, "Freddy did it!" He pointed to doorway, where Freddy immediately tenses. I know he did it. I put Zach down, and chase after Freddy. That's when I bump into someone who I really didn't wanna see.
Jade Rubio.
Her books and papers were scattered everywhere, and I refrained myself from remembering what she did to me. She growled, "you piece of crap! Look what you did!" I gulped. "I-it was an accident! I promise!" I stuttered.
"Accident my ass! Like you would 'accidentally' bump into a person like me!" She yelled. I scooted away from her, but I want fast enough. She grabbed my arm, and rammed me into the lockers. She seriously has good fighting skills.
She then throws me to the ground, where my head hits the wall roughly. And (thanks a lot!) the sharp pain from my stomach comes back. I groan in slight agony, and she picks me up by the collar of my shirt.
"Apologize!" She yelled. I refused to, and she threw to ground. I felt kind of dizzy, and I just laid there.
She grabbed my hair, and pulled. "Apologize." She said. "Sorry," I groaned out. She kicked me one last time, in the place where I didn't want to be kicked right now. My stomach.
I groaned in agony, and she just walked away.
She continued to pick her stuff up, until she went down the hall. I could hear footsteps, and arms went around my waist.
They picked me up, and hefted me onto their back.
I looked at the color of their hair. Light brown. Freddy.
My eyes lifted open, and I could smell lavender. "Where am I?" I asked groggily.
I yawned, and looked around. The practice room. The door opened, and Lawrence walked in with a tray of food.
He placed the tray on the table, and he finally noticed I was awake. "Oh, you're awake. I should probably get the others." He pointed to the door, and left. I looked at the tray, but pushed it away. I felt nauseous. I didn't want to look at food. I yawned. Again. The door opened and Freddy walked in. "Your not gonna eat?" He asked, caressing my cheek. I shook my head.
"That girl just never leaves you alone, does she?" He said gently. I smiled, "I know. I should probably stay away from her." He nods. "Good thing she's moving schools." He said. My eyes widened slightly, "really?" He nodded.
"By the way, first period already ended." He said. I hummed in response. We had exactly nine hours left, now.
1 Hour until Festival
I tested the mic. "Testing, testing, 123. Does this thing work?" I asked. Lawrence tweaked the mic up a bit. "It should work just fine now." He said, giving a small smile. "How about singing a few tunes for us!" Said three guys. I shook my head, "uh, no thanks."
The guys didn't stop. They walked on the stage. One of them caressed my hair, while the other one rubbed my shoulders. The other guy, who called me out patted my head. "Aw, please?" He said. "She said no!" Yelled Freddy. The three guys grumbled and walked away. I smiled at Freddy, "aw, who got jealous." He rolls his eyes, "I don't get jealous." He walks onto the stage, and pats my head. I stick my tongue out playfully.
I tested the mic again. "Lawrence, it still doesn't work!" I said. He pushed his glasses into place. "But, I fixed it." He said.
I stepped back while he continued to work on it. I began to hum to myself while writing in my journal.
"Oh~? Is Alison nervous?"
I shriek, and fall off. Freddy and Summer peek through the door.
"Zach!" I yell. He holds up my journal. "Let's see. 'This is gonna my first time performing in front of a live audience!'" Zach read. I balled my hands into fists, "ZACH!" I lunged at him and he dropped my journal in the process. He screamed a high pitched scream, and ran for it. The others started laughing hysterically. I pinned him to the wall.
"Say sorry, Zach, or else!" He smirked, "or else what?"
I grinned devilishly, "or else I'll tell everyone who you like!" His eyes widened, "okay, okay! I'm sorry!"
I patted his head. "Aw, is Zach afraid?" I said. He made pokerface and hung his head. We laughed. So did he.
Ten minutes until
Festival begins
(3rd person POV)
"Where's Alison?" Asked Freddy worriedly. Summer shrugged, "maybe she went to the bathroom." Zach shook his head.
"She went to the bathroom seven minutes ago. She should've been back already."
Tamika looked around. "Spread out. Maybe she just got nervous." The others nodded and walked in different directions.
They all looked around, trying to find her. They all met up five minutes later.
"Freddy?" Asked Tamika. He shook his head. The others said the same thing. "Maybe we should try calling her." Said Lawrence. They all agreed and dialed her number.

There was no answer. Everyone began to get worried, and looked at the clock. 4 minutes until the festival officially begins.
"Where could you be?" Freddy mumbled.

(Alison POV)

I'm officially lost. Thanks a lot! I wander around the forest. The leaves crunched under my feet, and I sigh. I look at my dead phone. Too bad I couldn't charge it before I left for a walk. I told them I was going to the bathroom, when I really needed a calm and collected walk. I didn't tell them, because then they'd be worried and would've tried to help. I stopped walking, but footsteps could be heard behind me. I turn around, and a hand instantly laches onto my waist. I scream, but he covers my mouth with the other one. I kick, and scream through his hand, but I'm sure no one
Can hear.

(3rd person POV)

The scream filled the air. Everyone looked around, worried looks on their faces. Freddy paled, "that sounded like Alison."
Zach looked around, "it didn't sound very far. We need to check the forest." They all nodded, and spread out again.
They all ran in separate directions, and headed into the forest. Students and parents started to file in. It had begun.

Summer ran around frantically, shouting her name. "Alison!? Alison!?" She called out repeatedly. No answer. She began to worry. They all had to perform in twenty minutes, and they couldn't find her! Why were they supposed to do?

Tamika looked around. How long would it be until they found her? She heard nothing. All she heard were crickets and leaves rustling in the wind. All she heard was silence.

Freddy was worried. Sweat ran down his face, as he ran. He didn't stop. Not when he had to find her. She was his best friend, and he loved her so much. He couldn't bare to lose her. To lose his life. And that's when he heard it. Muffled screams. His eyes widened when he saw two figures. "Alison!" He shouted. He lunged at the stranger, and began to punch wherever he could.
"Freddy!" Alison yelled in relief. The stranger grunted. "Wow, that's so protective of you, Freddy." He said. Freddy recognized the voice all too well. He ignored it, and told him to leave. The stranger did gladly, while Freddy comforted Alison.

(Alison POV)

I continued sobbing uncontrollably. Freddy held my face in his hands and tried to calm me down but it was no use.
"Alison, what happened? What did he do to you?" He asked. I sobbed, and couldn't form the words.
"He touched me." I blurted out.
Before Freddy could answer, Zach and Tamika found us. "What the hell happened!?" Tamika exclaimed.
Freddy shook his head. "We'll talk about this later." He picked me up bridal style, and carried me far from the scene. I sobbed into his clean shirt, and clutched his collar.
After I regained myself together, I told them everything.
Freddy suddenly hugged me. I flinched. "I won't let him touch you or even look at you anymore." He said. I pushed him away.
"I'm fine. Really. Thanks," I said, wiping my eyes. A voice on the speaker came on, "the bands will begin playing in 2 minutes! The first one will be lead by the teacher: Dewey Finn."
We all tensed. I still haven't even made it clear if I was going to sing with them or not. I took a deep breath, "I'm still not sure about this whole thing."
The others stared at the ground.
"You have a chance to join us. You've been practicing with us and you're really good. Please, Alison?" Summer pleads.
I look around, avoiding their eyes. "I...I guess you're right," I said, playing with my bracelet.
They all smiled.
We fixed the mics and tested them. Everyone chattered as we got ready behind the curtain. I took a deep breath. I felt kind of nauseous. Everyone had agreed that Tamika would sing some parts, while I would sing others. Then, the curtains rose. Show time.
We began to sing and the crowd cheered. I felt something. I don't know what it's called, but, I feel a huge weight lifted off of my shoulders.

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