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I yawned. Freddy stifled a laugh, "you're tired already?" He asked as he reached over and grabbed a handful of popcorn. We were watching a movie. I had told Freddy everything: how my father came home drunk and started beating me because he was going to force me to eat something he bought. Freddy understood although I'm pretty sure there were a few blank spaces.
I asked groggily, "so I'm gonna live here?" Freddy nodded and stuffed his hand in the bucket just as I did too. He nodded, "yea. And I promise I won't let anything happen to you. I'll--" he stopped, and he pulled my hand out. I blushed and so did he. I'm pretty sure he did. He let it go, and smiled a bit. "Um, sorry." He said. I didn't say anything. I'm sure I would become a hot mess and my words would stutter and I'd end up saying the wrong thing. It was hard being with him. He's my best friend, but I really like him. Sometimes I hope he felt the same way. But, I knew that if I told him the truth, it would ruin our fantastic friendship!
I rubbed my eyes. I could see him smirk in my peripheral vision. "You're tired, aren't you? There's a guest room upstairs next to my room." He said gently. I nodded, and stood up, but swayed a little. Freddy noticed and quickly got up and steadied me.
He then picked me up bridal style and carried me upstairs. He's carrying me. I thought. I suddenly felt my eyes become heavy and I fell asleep in his arms.
I felt someone shaking me awake. I opened my eyes, and Freddy was smiling. "C'mon, it's time to go to school." He said gently. I groaned, "do I have to go?" I asked. He laughed, "of course you do."
I groaned again, and shifted to my side. "Twenty more minutes."
I felt his arms go under my legs and under my shoulders, and Freddy was holding me again. "I kinda got used to holding you." He smiled and blushed.
After he set me down, I went to take a shower and got dressed for school. I put my hair into a messy bun, and fixed my uniform. And that's when I realized that I forgot to do my English  homework! Mr. Finn is gonna be so pissed!
I ran down the stairs and grabbed my bag. Freddy was waiting at the door, "you look pale. Are you sick?" I shook my head. "I forgot to do my English homework." He frowned. He then took my hand, and lead me through the door.
"Please hand in your essays you had for homework last night." Mr. Finn said cheerfully. Everyone handed in their homework in except me. Maybe he won't notice, I thought. But, that thought soon shattered when he called my name. I blushed from embarrassment as I felt everyone's eyes on me. "I forgot to do it," I said. He sighed, "stay after class."
And just as he said, I stayed after class. Mr. Finn closed the door and looked at me. "How did you forget to do your homework? What was more important than this?" Should I tell him? If I do, he'll press charges against my father and he'll be sent to jail. Even if my father does abuse me, I still love him. I took a deep breath and everything spilled out. Including the fact that I was living with my best friend now.
He just nodded and listened. I was worried. When I finally finished, he stood up and smiled at me. "Don't worry, Alison. I won't press charges. Although, I will have to talk to Freddy about this and to his parents--" I stopped him mid-sentence. "That's the thing. His parents are gone most of the time, and they're on a trip." I looked up. He patted my head, "don't worry, I'll talk to Freddy. In the meantime I'll help you get through this. You have new support!"

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