"Oᕼ, ᕼOᗯ YOᑌ ᗯEᖇE ᖇIGᕼT!"

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Freddy POV (extra long chapter!!!!!! Cuz I'm that nice :P)

we started walking down the hill, holding hands. Alison smiled all the way home, while I could only look around silently.
I smiled and turned to her. "Wait until school starts, then we'll have to keep this a secret," I said. Alison looked at me.
"What do you mean?" She asked, suddenly panicking at the idea. I calmed her down. "Relax, we can't have people coming up to us saying 'oh, hey, weren't you and Alison bestie's? You're dating now, that's weird!" 
She laughed at my impression.
On Monday, everything was completely different. Wasn't how I expected it to go. Alison didn't talk to me the whole day, and when I tried to talk to her she would just glare at me and walk away. It wasn't until practice that I found out what the problem was.

Zach walked up to me, "yo, Freddy!" He patted my shoulder. "Didn't know you and Catty were a thing." He said. My eyes slightly widened. How did everyone find out? How did Alison find out? Summer glanced at me. She looked kinda down. I walked up to her, "Summer, is everything okay?" She stuttered a bit, "y-you're asking if I'm o-okay?" I nodded slightly, and she blushed a bit. I remember Alison telling me earlier in the school year how Summer had a crush on me. I just went with it. "It's just, you looked a little bit down today." I said, patting her head. The door opened and Alison walked in. She didn't look at me.
Then Catty walked in. Shit. She ran up to me and hugged me!
"I was looking all over for you! Remember that date we were supposed to go on?" She exclaimed. Alison walked up to us, smiling, "this girl told me how you two were dating. So, I decided to..." She trailed off. Her smile seemed a bit forced. She took a deep breath, "to break it off with you, Freddy." My eyes widened and I gently pushed Catty away, while she glared at Alison. "What are you talking about? We were so happy on Saturday. What changed?" I asked, taking her hands. She slipped her hands out of mine, and her smile faded. Her lip quivered a bit, and she looked up. "You changed, Freddy." She grabbed her things and walked out.
I turned to Catty, and she was picking her nail. "What the hell did you do!?" I yelled. She looked up, "you obviously lied to me. You decided to play me, and go out with your best friend." She poked my chest, but my eyes were still locked onto hers. She then held her phone up, "I sent her this, on Sunday night." I read the message.

Anonymous: Breakup with Freddy, or else my heart won't be the only thing that's broken.

I saw that she changed her name to anonymous. Really cheesy.

Alison: Who is this?

Catty: read the name >:)

I glared at her. That's why her smile seemed forced. She was forced to breakup with me. I grabbed her wrist with such force that her face flinched a bit. "You're a monster. " I said. I let her go, and grabbed my bags. I turned to Summer and the others. "You guys wouldn't mind if you came with, right? It's not going to be easy talking to her one on one." I said without turning around. Catty "harrumphed" and sat in the corner like a five year old. They all nodded, and we walked out of the classroom.
I knocked on her door. It was obviously locked. She always does this when she's having a small breakdown. It started happening when she was ten.

I knocked on her window with my small hand. Her window was covered, and all I could hear were sobs. I knocked on it more harder this time. The sobs stopped, and she uncovered the windows. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying. She opened the window, and I jumped inside. She closed it, and started sobbing again.
I embraced her with a hug, and she immediately stopped. We then sat down, and she told me everything. From her dad beating her, to her locking herself in her room while he was kicking and shouting through the door.
I hugged her again, and she started crying.
"Don't worry. From now on, I'll take care of you. I won't make you cry, and I won't hurt you. I promise.

Flashback over...

The door slightly opened. I smiled, but she frowned. Zach pushed the door open, and looked around. He then looked at Alison. "I'm sorry, guys. I didn't know you all would be here." She said softly. I ruffled her hair gently, and walked in. "I'm sorry. This is all my fault, I didn't tell you about that bitch." I said. Everyone else filed in, and we sat down with her.

I place my hand on her shoulder, "remember that promise I made two years ago?" She nodded. I wrap my arm gently around her neck, and hug her. "I'm sorry. I mean it this time. Like I said; "I won't make you cry, and I most certainly won't hurt you anymore. It's a goddamn promise." I said, my voice slightly quivering.
Summer's eyes widened slightly, "YOU TWO AREN'T SIBLINGS!?" Alison blushed and so did I.
"I THOUGHT IT WAS THAT OBVIOUS!" We both said in unison. Lawrence pushed his glasses into place, "well you two do have a similar personality. And you both live in the same house." I mentally face palmed.

"That's 'cause I invited her to stay." I said. The four of them placed a finger on their chins, "oh!" They said in unison.
Me and Alison glanced at each other. We then burst out laughing. Tamika then pointed out, "you two also have a similar laugh."
We stopped laughing, "take that back." Tamika's eyes widened, and got up. Alison and I got up too, and we started chasing her around. Zach, Lawrence, and Summer looked at each other, and got up and ran after us.
Tamika ran around, dropping some things on the floor, while me and Alison almost cornered her. Summer then grabbed Tamika from behind and ruffled her hair.
I was glad everything was back to normal.

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