ᖇEᗰEᗰᗷᖇᗩᑎᑕE (39)

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3rd POV
Everything pieced itself back together in her head. Everything, from the festival and facing her fears, to her fight with Freddy. Everything put itself together like a puzzle.
She snapped out of her daze, and chased after Freddy. Mr. Finn was about to go after her, when he stopped. She can handle this. They know each other better than anyone else in this class, he thought. He walked into the classroom and resumed class.

He leaned on the door, and wiped his mouth. His heart was beating so fast, he thought it was going to burst out from his chest. He wanted to leave, but at the same time he didn't. He finally built up the courage and walked out of the stall. He took a deep breath and rinsed his mouth out with water. He looked in the mirror. He was pale, and his eyes were a bit red and teary. The headache came back again, and he groaned. He slid down the wall, and hugged his legs. He wished he knew. But, he didn't.
"Freddy, are you okay?" Asked a soft voice. He looked up, and looked at the door. He knew it was her. He got up, and opened the bathroom door. Alison gasped a little. "Oh my gosh, you look sick," she said. He chuckled, "yea, I know."
He still felt nauseous, but when Alison wrapped her arm around Freddy's shoulders, he didn't feel anything. Except for one thing. His heart was beating really fast, and he had this feeling of excitement. He didn't know what to call it. "You're burning up," she said, breaking his train of thought. He nodded. "I think I'll take you to the nurse," she said. Again, he nodded.
Something was different though. She wasn't asking many question at once, like she did for the past two weeks.


They finally arrived at the nurse, and she told him he had to go home. He sighed, as the lady left to go call his parents. Alison took a deep breath, and she let everything spill. "I-I remember everything!" She blurted out. Freddy looked up from the magazine he was reading. "wait, really?" He asked. She nodded furiously. "I remembered about the festival, and my father coming back! I also remembered why Summer and Tamika were mad a me, and that I have asthma, and-"
Freddy stopped her. He chuckled, "slow down. I get what you're saying. She hugged Freddy, and he hugged her back.
They stayed like that, until someone cleared their throat. "Ahem. Sir, your parent are going to be here in ten minutes or so. Go get your things," she said. Freddy blushed out of embarrassment, and left.

Alison POV

I decided to go with Freddy, since I practically live with him now. His parents were talking about getting some medicine, and they dropped us off. Freddy jumped on the couch, and sighed. "I still feel like crap," he said. I laughed, and sat next to him. We were silent for awhile.
"So, remember how before you left with Jessica again, you gave me a key?" He asked. For once, I actually did remember. I hummed in response, and he continued. "What was it for?" He asked. I took out a middle sized box from underneath the couch, and stared at it. "It was for this thing, but, I guess we'll never find out because you lost it," I said. Freddy stared at me. "What do you mean? My mom told me she put it somewhere in her room," he said. We stared at each other for a second. "Well then let's go find it!" I said.
We both got up, and ran for his moms room. We opened the door, and examined the room. "You check that side, I'll check this side!" He said. We looked around, hoping his parents wouldn't be home early.
I looked through all the drawers, but found nothing. I saw Freddy look under the bed. I rummaged through her clothes frantically, and when I had looked through all the drawers, I still didn't find anything. "Did you find anything?" He asked. I shook my head.
We both sighed, and flopped on the bed. That's when Freddy's eyes lit up. He jumped off the bed, and headed for the bathroom. He waved me over, "cmon! I think it's in her jewelry box!" I hopped off, and ran after him. He clapped his hands together and rubbed them. "This is it, Al," he said. He opened the box carefully, and took off the lid. Our eyes widened. The silver key with a bird printed on it was in there. Along with other things, like necklaces, bracelets, and earrings. I picked it up, and let the cold yet familiar metal touch my skin. We looked at each other.
We ran downstairs, and sat in front of the box. This is it, I thought.
I put the key through the keyhole, and twist it. A faint click could be heard, and I opened the box.

Small pictures were inside. Pictures of us as a kid. One specific picture caught my eye. A woman with short brown hair and brown eyes. A man was standing behind her, holding her belly which seemed to show off the fact that she was pregnant.
"Alison? Are you okay? Al!" Freddy placed a hand on my shoulder as I continued to stare at it.

"M-mom," I mumbled...

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