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I stayed silent as I did my homework. I hadn't bothered talking to Freddy since the talk we had earlier today. I'm scared.
Has he lied to me, and I just never noticed, or is this the first time I've caught him in a lie?
I was afraid that after that talk, I lost a best friend. But, I won't forgive him. He wants me to leave? I'll leave. I'll leave and find someone who I know wouldn't turn me down.

The next day...

I close my locker gently, and Zach was standing behind it, a big smile on his face. "What is it now, Zach?" I ask. He shakes his head, "haven't you heard about the new girl?" I raise an eyebrow, "there's a new girl coming?" He nods, "she's from another school, and came from Houston."
I smile a bit, knowing that whoever this person is, will at least be my new friend.
I continue to walk with Zach, talking and laughing, when someone walks up to us. A girl with red hair, and brown eyes covers her face with her hair. "U-um, I'm sorry, but, do you know where Mr. Finns class is? I'm new here, and..." She trails off.
She looked familiar. The red hair.
And brown eyes. A shy, delicate looking girl. Wait...

"Jessica? Jessica Hampton!?" I exclaim.

Jessica's eyes widen, and she looked up. She points at me, "A-Alison Jenson! Holy crap, it's you!" I mentally shriek, and we hug each other. Zach just stands there with a blank expression, "so, am I supposed to hug her too, or..." We release each other from our death grip, and I introduce her. "She used to be my friend in second grade. Her family moved, and I guess they came back! How's Jason?" I asked. She smiled, "he's fine."
"Speaking of old friends, where's Freddy? I haven't seen him in forever," she says, looking around.
My mood goes from happy, to sad in just a few seconds. I rub my arms, and she looks at me, noticing my odd gestures. Zach sighs, and looks at the ground.
"We got into a fight yesterday. I don't want to talk about it," I say, struggling to hold back my tears.
She grabs my hand, and I look up, her nostalgic smile is spread across her face. "Don't worry, you don't need him. You have me now!" Her voice was filled with determination. The bell rung, and all three of us ran to class.
Jessica introduces herself, and I could see Freddy's eyes filled with shock.
She completely ignored the guy! I almost did feel sorry for him.
Jessica sat next to me, and when lunch came by we were inseparable. I chewed on my sandwich, "so, what have you been up to lately?" She thought for a moment, "just school stuff, and nonsense. You?"
There was one thing I knew that she didn't. It was about my abusive father.
"Um... Well..."
"Her father abuses her," said a voice. A voice I didn't want to hear.
Freddy leaned against the teachers desk. Everyone in the class looked at me. Jessica placed her hand on my shoulder, "I understand why you didn't tell me. It's not exactly easy. But," she stood up abruptly. "What I don't understand, is why you're being so harsh to her. We three used to be such good friends! I thought the promises would keep it that way!" She yelled. The teacher wasn't in here, but I still didn't want her to yell.
Freddy glared harshly at the both of us, "those promises are bullshit! They broke a long time ago when you left!"

"I would thank you for being there for her, if you weren't such an asshole!"

"I'm being an asshole because I don't care about her anymore!"

"And why is that?"

Freddy growled in frustration, "Because I've lost my respect and love for her!"

The classroom grew silent as I stood up. I looked at him, tears brimming the corners of my eyes.
"What're you crying about?" He asked harshly. He's changed. He's gone from loving and caring, to heartless and ruthless.
"Is that all I am to you? I'm a human being, I'm not some rag doll you can play with!" I shot back. Tears streamed down my face.
I've finally broken.
I finally have an idea for the next chapter! I hope you liked it, and if you did, please leave a vote! -Sage

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