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The whistle rang throughout the school. I covered my ears and so did Freddy. Jade began running the other direction. I got up hastily, my shoulder still being dislocated. Freddy ran over to me, and picked me up bridal style. I blushed heavily. He set me down and inspected me to make sure I didn't have any wounds. He placed his hand on my hurt shoulder, and his other hand on my arm. "I'm gonna pop it back into place, alright?" He said. I started to shake my head, but, the damage had already been done. I screamed in pain and agony. Freddy enveloped his arms around me, "it's okay. You're alright now. I don't think she's going to hurt you anymore." He rubbed my back and played with my hair.
Summer stared at the both of us. She sighed and broke the moment. "Im gonna get some snacks." She said walking to the snack machine.
"You're okay, right?" He asked concerned. I nodded happily. His eyes wandered, "so~. What was she about to say?"
He asked carefully. I raised an eyebrow. "What're you talking about?" I asked, and Freddy's eyes glanced at my journal. I blushed, "w-wait! You want to know what she was gonna s-say?" I stuttered over my words. He nodded and blushed too. I think he has an idea. I smacked the back of his head, "seriously?" He smiled. He slapped my back playfully.
I tipped the pencil on my nose. "Have any ideas?" Asked Freddy over the phone. Mr. Finn had given us a writing prompt the next day: What will you do in the future? It was big question.
I sighed. "I don't really know. Maybe I could--" I stopped as my door opened. My father walked in. His hair was a mess and his eyes were red. Oh no.
"Alison?" Asked Freddy. But I didn't hear him as my father stumbled and dropped a vase. I took the phone and whispered loud enough for Freddy to hear but not my father. "If I come over don't ask why. I'll call you or see you later." I said. I could hear Freddy shuffling around in his room. "Ok." He said. I hung up.
"You're drunk again." I said softly. I didn't want to upset him. He smiled a drunk smile, and took something out of the bag that I had just noticed. I tensed, and it was a box of Chinese food. "I bought you dinner." His breath smelled like beer. "I don't want anything. I'm not hungry." I said. He dropped the food and grabbed my shirt. He raised his fist and punched me. "You son of a bitch! You're going to eat and you're gonna like it!" He threw me down and I landed on my things. He started punching me repeatedly until I tasted blood in my mouth. He made me stand up and punched my stomach. I stumbled forward. He left the room and I could hear him throw a lot of things on the ground. I got up hastily and locked the door. I opened the window and jumped out.
I ran through the rain on the familiar street. But, I stumbled a bit as the pain from my abdomen didn't stop. I suddenly felt something come out of me from down there. Oh great, not only did I get a beating but my period came. I found the familiar house and rang the doorbell. I gasped for air, unable to breath properly. As I waited, I registered everything that had happened. There were no cars in the driveway and I remembered that his parents are on a business trip for the month. Someone opened the door. Freddy gaped at me in horror. He pulled me inside, and I stumbled to the ground. I began sobbing. "Oh my gosh, wait here, I'll get some bandages." He ran off quickly, fumbling with a few things and shaking.
After he took care of my injuries, I blushed a bit. He stared at me. "What's wrong?" He asked. "You wouldn't happen to have, um..." I trailed off, and my blush became a deeper shade of red. "Any what? You can tell me." He said.
I blushed even deeper when I said it, "tampons."
His eyes widened and he blushed. He pointed to the bathroom, "in there."
I poked my head out of the door as Freddy made us sandwiches. "Where does your mom keep extra underwear and shorts?" I asked. He pointed to the master bedroom. After I cleaned myself up, I sat down to eat.
"What happened?" He asked. "My dad got drunk and beat the crap outta me." I said. "Don't worry, you'll be fine. You can stay with me for as long as you want!" He said. My eyes widened. "Really?" I said. He smiled.
"What are friends for?"

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