ᔕTᖇᗩIGᕼTEᑎIᑎG TᕼIᑎGᔕ OᑌT (37)

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She bursted out laughing, and she held her head. I look around to make sure she was laughing at something else. Or rather someone. I blinked, "was it something I said?" She wiped a tear away, and smiled at me. "Or course! You're getting good at telling jokes," she said. I slammed my hands on the table that held her food, and she jumped.
"That's bullshit! I'm not kidding, Alison!" I snapped. Her face paled a bit, "w-what are you talking about?"
I took a deep breath and shook my head. "Just forget about it. I'm leaving," I started heading for the door, but I stopped.
I turned around, her hand gripped my wrist like her life depended on it. As if she let go, she'd never see me again.
I took a deep breath, "what?"
She stared at the ground. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't think you were being serious," she said.

3rd person point of view

Freddy grabbed a chair and sat down again, whilst Alison just stared at her bandaged hands. The silence between them stretched, and Freddy was the first to break it. "Okay, fine. Listen, I-" he stopped as Zach entered the room, and he held a small box. Zach rubbed the back of his head, and smiled at Alison. "Hey, are you feeling any better?" He asked. Alison nodded, but Freddy looked towards Zach. "Zach, we need to talk," he said. Zach grinned from ear to ear. "Is somebody jealous?" He began, but Freddy gave him a look. "Zach," he repeated, but more sternly this time. Zach took notice and walked outside, followed by Freddy
Once the door was closed, Zach and Freddy stared at each other. "So, you just came out here to stare at me? Sounds a little weird if you know what I mean," Zach said. Zach began to ramble on, and Freddy had had enough of it. He wasn't himself lately. Something in that room changed him, and he didn't know what.
"Alison lost her memory!" He blurted out.
Zach stopped talking all at once.
"W-what?!" Zach said. His friend, Alison, the one he knew since he came here lost her memory? "She doesn't remember anything that's happened when this month started," Freddy said. Zach stared at the ground, "do you know how?"
Freddy frowned, "no. That doctor was too much of a dumbass to tell us anything." Freddy hissed under his breath as another sharp headache made its way through his head.
"Freddy? Are you okay?" Zach asked. Freddy nodded, "I'm fine." Zach knew he was lying, but went with it. 
"Are you sure he didn't tell you?" He asked. Freddy didn't know what to say. He didn't want to tell Zach that he was barely listening to the doctor.
He didn't know who to believe anymore.

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