I'ᐯE ᒪOᔕT YOᑌ (36)

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Alison POV

There was a soft knock on the door. 
"Come in," I said. Freddy opened the door, holding a small bouquet of white roses. "Hey, I thought you were asleep," he said. I chuckled a bit, "you thought wrong." He placed the bouquet on my nightstand, and sat down on a chair. "They're doing an investigation at school. Asking people who could be a possible suspect," he said. There was a question on my mind. "Freddy? What happened?" I asked. He froze in place.
"What do you mean?" He asked carefully.
"I mean, how did I end up in the hospital? And what do you mean investigation?" I asked again. He blinked.

Freddy POV

What's going on? Doesn't she remember? How could someone forget about being shot? And how did this happen? No way in hell did that doctor forget. He's a doctor! I started moving before I thought.
I stood up, and uncovered her. She turned bright red as I slowly lifted up her shirt. "F-Freddy? What are you doing? What's going-" she stopped when she saw the bandages on her. Alison blinked, and looked at me. "What?" She said.
I took a deep breath. "You got shot. In your shoulder and side. I don't know what happened afterwards, but you must've hit your head or something," I said. I threw the blanket on top of her, and tucked her in again. I then sat down, processing everything she told me.
Let's face it Freddy: your friend lost her memory. It's as simple as that, said a voice in my head.
You know it was an accident Freddy. She may not remember what happened now, but could remember afterwards, said another.
"Freddy?" Asked Alison. I looked up.
"Tell me everything that's happened in the last month," she said. Everything. Everything. The word bore through the my mine, and I repeated it. Everything. I got a headache, and held my head in my hand. I stumbled back a bit. "Freddy? Are you okay? Was it something I said?" Alison asked, worry clearly written in her face. I shook my head, "no, I'm fine. I promise."
Pfft, promises. You're always one to break it, said that voice in my head. Am I going crazy? No, I don't think so. I would've sensed it by now. But... My mind...
"Freddy!" Alison yelled out, and I realized I was on the floor. My headache intensified, and I could feel some blood on my head. I look around, and notice a small vase on the floor, shattered in pieces. The doctor opened the door, and looked at me. I started getting up, and I patted some dust off of myself. "Are you alright son?" The doctor asked. I nodded, and stared at the vase. "Sorry about the vase," I apologized. The doctor smiled, "no problem! It wasn't even that great of a vase. It was just there to decorate the room." I smiled at him, and he left. I started picking up the pieces. I winced as I accidentally cut myself with the sharp glass.
"Freddy, are you sure you're alright? You've been acting strange lately," she said. I threw the pieces in the trash. I sat down, and stared at her. "Do you remember Mr. Finn?" I asked. She nodded. "Do you remember the fact that we're in a band, and that you know the names of your bandmates?" I asked. She nodded again. I hesitated, "do you remember Matthew?"
"Yeah, the pervert," she said, and I chuckled. Okay, maybe she remembers some parts. I braced myself. "Do...do you remember the fact that we got in a fight, and that Jessica came back?" She blinked again. "Shit," I muttered. Okay, so maybe not much either. She narrowed her eyes a bit. "We got in a fight? And Jessica came back?" Her eyes lightened up when she mention Jessica. I frowned at her, and nodded. "But, Jessica was the one that broke us apart," I said slowly. Her smile faded, and she twiddled her thumbs. "Oh," she said.
"along with the help of someone else," I said. She looked up. "Oh?"
"S-Summer helped her."

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