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The tears streamed down uncontrollably.
I thought I could see Freddy's eyes soften, but he turns away, keeping me from noticing.
"I need to talk to you two!" He says suddenly.
"Noway in hell! Leave us alone," Jessica said, rubbing my shoulders. Freddy lost his patience in less than a millisecond, and began dragging the both of us outside.
He kept his grip on my hand, while he let go of Jessica.
"I didn't want to hurt you, I-" he started, but I didn't listen to it.
"You always say that, and you do it anyway. I'm sick of it," I say, ripping my hand away from his grip. "I know, but-"
"But what? I don't want to listen to your pity," I snap.
He grabs my shirt, and pulls me close to him. Our faces are inches apart. We stayed silent.
"Please, let me speak," he says. I nod, and he begins. He sighed, "in the morning, after your birthday, I got a message. It said-" the bell rung, and he sighed in frustration.
I made my way to door, "and where are you going? I didn't finish!" I stopped and turned to him, "still, either way I'm always causing you trouble. Goodbye Freddy. Come on Jessica." Jessica happily went along. In the corner of my eye, I could see her stick her tongue out at him.
"Where am I supposed to live now?" I huffed, as I reached my locker. Jessica smiled, "you can live with me! My parents are always working and they barely come home! It'll be fun to have someone live with me, especially an old friend!"
I hummed and smiled. "Sure," I said. I opened my locker, and a piece of paper fluttered to the ground. We both stared at it.
I picked it up, and opened it.

                                I'm sorry, but, turn around.

I tensed and turned around.
He leaned in closer to her, as she blushed fifty shades of red. And he kissed her.

Summer didn't have time to kiss back, because Freddy had already pulled away. 
I crumpled up the paper in my hand, as warm tears pricked the corner of my eyes. I can't believe him. He's not like this.
Jessica glared at them, and took my hand and dragged me away as I closed my locker.
She opened the restroom door, and locked it. We were the only ones in here. "That son of a damn bitch!" Jessica yelled, kicking the trash can.
I let the tears fall, and clutch my arms. "Let me tell you something. Freddy had a crush on you ever since fourth grade. I know him and so do you. He's probably just trying to get back at you for not listening to him! What a sick bastard!" She said angrily.
"You're right."
The final bell rung, and we sighed in relief. The day was over. But not for me.
Freddy watched as I packed my things. My very little things. "What do you want?" I asked softly. He stared at the floor, "I want to apologize. For hurting you again."
"It's not something new y'know, so F off," I snap. He flinched, and came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I grew furious, and pushed him off, "I don't understand you! First you're mad at me, then your saying sorry, and next thing you know, is you're hugging me when you kissed Summer earlier!"
His eyes widened slightly, "how did you know?"
I swing my backpack over my shoulder, and walk downstairs, "it's non of your business!"
"Why won't you tell me!?" He shouted. His eyes were clouded by anger.
"I don't trust you anymore, that's why," I said. A car horn beeped outside, which I assumed was Jessica's father. "Goodbye Freddy."
I walked through the door as he made no attempt to stop me.
Just wanna say, that those of you who voted for my story, thank you! Omfg, this book is kind of dark.
Hope you liked it, and for those of you who are School Of Rock fans who enjoy this book, please vote, comment, and or share!  ~Ѕαgє

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