ᗷEᖴOᖇE IT Eᑎᗪᔕ (40)

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My sweet children, the time has come! 😭😭😭 I CRI!!!!!
Anyway, the last chapter is here! We've come a long journey! Btw, I'm going to be taking a break from this book after I post this chapter. I'll wait a week or two, and continue the sequel! That is all!

"That's her?" Freddy asked. I didn't answer. I wasn't sure, but I had a feeling that was really her. "Alison!" The voice snapped me out of my daze, and I looked around. "What?" I asked. He placed a hand on my shoulder, and embraced me.
"Are you sure it's her?" He asked softly. I nod as if my head weighs a thousand pounds. The knob on the door rattles and we both tense. We hide the box under the couch, and sit down as if we've been like this for awhile. The door opens, and his parents smile at us. They're hiding something. Freddy's dad tosses him the medicine, and Freddy catches it. "Freddy, we have to tell you something," said his mom. I stayed quiet, and Freddy looked at them with a displeased look.
"We're leaving again. Tomorrow, actually," said his father. "Tomorrow?" Freddy said. They both nodded, "our boss called us in at last minute, and said we had to leave tomorrow for our year long trip."

Freddy sighed, and smiled. I was confused. "It's okay! I have Alison to keep me company!" He said, ruffling my hair.


It was finally the last day of school, and I couldn't wait to leave and spend my summer with Freddy. I closed my locker, and took a deep breath. Last day of school, Alison. Make it last, I thought. I walked down the hallway, hoping that I'd forget everything that's happened again. As much as I wanted to keep my memories, I wanted to forget them too. Just remembering the fact that Tamika and Summer hated me now, made me want to crawl into a hole and die.
My phone buzzed. I wanted to take it out, but then it would get confiscated.

I went to class, and saw that Freddy wasn't here. "Hey, where's Freddy?" I asked Zach. He looked up from his book, and raised his brow. "Didn't you get his text?" He said. I sat down, and sneaked my phone into my pocket. I then asked to go to the restroom, and the teacher gladly gave me permission.
I picked the last stall, and locked the door.

FredIsCool: Meet me outside after school during practice. I want to talk to you.

I stared at the screen. Just what did he want to talk about?
After School

"Just give me a minute," I said to everyone, as I ran out of the classroom. I rushed outside where all the trees blew to the right. The sun was scorching hot. I ran to the side of the school, and bumped into Freddy. He turned around and helped me up. "Whoops, sorry. I didn't hear you Alison," he said, dusting off the dirt from my uniform. I swallowed, and blushed a bit. Even if we did agree to stay friends, I still got nervous around him.
I looked up at him. "What did you want to talk to me about?" I asked. I was glad my tongue was actually working.

He rubbed the back of his neck, and sighed, "listen. About this whole 'us staying friends' thing, is kind of limiting me."
I raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?" I asked. He didn't let go of my dominant hand. His green eyes bore into me, and I felt light headed. He wrapped his arms around me.

"It means that I want you to be my girlfriend."

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