ᑭᗩᖇTIEᔕ ᗩᑎᗪ EᗰOTIOᑎᔕ

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"There's a party after school, are you coming?" Asked Zach. I nodded. There was a party that one of the students were holding after school. The student wasn't popular, but they invited a lot of people. And people who weren't invited begged to go.
I had been invited.
Freddy leaned back in his chair and put his arms behind his head. "What time does the party start, anyway?" I looked at my wrist watch. "School ends at four, so it starts at 5:30." I said. Freddy winked at me which caused me to blush, "what's with the cute face, Alison?" He asked. I stuttered as he leaned in closer. Ever since that incident yesterday I've been a bit cautious around him. I can't let him know how I feel. For all I know he could be teasing me. "I-I don't know what you're talking about F-Freddy." I said. Zach smirked, "oh~ I see. I'll just leave you two alone." He started walking back to his desk and sat down. Freddy shrugged and whispered huskily in my ear, "you didn't tell anyone, did you? About yesterday?" I shook my head. He smiled, "good."
Since when did he get this way? He's acting strange.
I looked at myself in the dress. It was a knee length dress and I wore a waist length sweater over it. I had a thing for jackets. I also wore gloves and boots. I was pretty satisfied with myself. I wasn't good with fashion. I walked downstairs to see Freddy wearing a blue shirt with a tie and jeans(like the cover of the book). He looked up, and blushed. "Oh wow, you look nice." I smiled. "Thanks, you too." He opened the door, "m'lady." I giggled, as we both head down the road.
The house was huge! That student must be rich. I clung onto Freddy's shirt, and he blushed a bit. "It's alright, just enjoy yourself. You're not gonna get lost." He said reassuringly. He patted my head, and pointed to the hall. "I'm gonna be gone for a while, try to find Zach or Summer." I nodded as he head the other direction.
5 minutes later (not literal)
Yea- I'm lost. Thanks a lot Freddy, you jinxed it. I made my way around the house, opening doors and ramming into things. "Great, now you're lost." I said to myself. Then I heard a voice. I followed the sound, and turned the corner. To my horror, I saw Freddy kissing a girl. Her hands were all over him, and his hands were on her waist. My breath hitched. Tears pricked my eyes. I accidentally let out a sob, and they stopped. They looked in my direction. The hallway was dark, so they couldn't see me. But I could see them.
I spun on my heel, and left. I sprinted down the hall, and finally found the exit. It was pouring. Way to compliment me weather.
I started sprinting back home. That's when I remembered that I lived with Freddy. What was I supposed to tell him?
'Hey, I saw you and some girl kissing and it broke my heart.' I kept running, not even when my body forced me to shut down. I finally made it to his house. My legs felt weak,and I tripped and scraped my knee. I cried out softly. That cry held my physical pain, and my emotional pain. Then the tears started, and I couldn't stop crying. I final,y had the urge and strength to stand up and limp to the door. I closed it behind me, and slid down. I started sobbing uncontrollably. Was I in love with him?

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