(Chapt 31) Ƒҽҽӏ Ƒɾҽҽ Եօ ʍօѵҽ Օղ

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I blinked. The tears stopped, and I was completely baffled. I couldn't believe it.
"W-what?" I asked. Zach sighed, "Summer-" "I heard what you said. Just, explain it to me, please," I say. His eyes soften. "It was they day after your father showed up. That night, when your father came, Summer had confessed to Freddy. They secretly got together, and later on, when Jessica came, Summer forced Freddy to end your relationship with him. She forced him to make you move out so you wouldn't cause any trouble. And, someone was in on it," he blurted out the last part.
My eyes widened slightly. "Who?" I asked.
He stuttered, "J-Jessica."
I tensed. I suddenly became quiet, and my breathing became rapid. "Wait, you're not having an asthma attack, right!?" Zach asked worriedly. I got up, and stumbled into a stall where I threw up. I heard Zach running down the hall.
Zach POV

I ran as fast as I could. I shouldn't have told her that, I should've just waited like he said to. I burst through the classroom door, and Mr. Finn and everyone else looks up. I try to catch my breath, "I-it's Alison. I'm not sure if she's having an attack but she can't breath. She's in the bathroom puking her guts out!" Freddy's eyes widen, and he stands up and runs all the way to the bathroom. I close the door behind me, and follow him.
We finally made it, and Freddy's worried expression grew more intense when he didn't get a response. "Alison! Alison, are you in there!?" He called out.
We then heard a groan and we sighed in relief.
I knocked on the entrance to the girls bathroom, "umm... Alison? I'm coming in. Uh... Oh geez," I stepped in with my eyes closed and stumbled a few times. I finally open my eyes, and I'm standing in front of a mirror. "Where are you?" I asked.
I heard a groan come from the last stall, and I knock. "I have a special guest by the way," I say, as she opened the door.
She gasped a bit when she saw Freddy. He was staring at the ground, and Alison closed her mouth.
"I'm really sorry. Zach probably told you everything, and I appreciate that. Will you accept, my apology and allow me to help you?" He held up her inhaler, and I could see a small smile tugging at the corner of her lips. She nodded. I helped her up while Freddy gave her the medicine. She smiled at him.
"I should probably go home so I can yell at that backstabbing bitch," she said. Freddy and I laughed as we made our way down the hall. The opposite one from our classroom.

Also, for those of you who are Leafyishere fans, I will be making about him. It will be a reader X leafy/Calvin.
Also, this book will be coming to an end in nine more chapters.
Thank you for da votes and reads! -Sage~

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