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"Wait here. I have to go to the bathroom." Freddy said, and left his Pepsi on the chair. What would happen if I drank out of it? Freddy didn't care, we shared lots of things before, and he didn't mind. I reached for the soda, but, a hand snatched it away. Jade Rubio glared at me. "Well, if it isn't the school nerd." She giggled. I never told Freddy this, but, Jades a bitch. One of her friends grabbed my shirt, and I choked up. I coughed. "What's the matter? Does the cat have your tongue. Or is that you just don't wanna talk."

"Freddy!" I manage to gasp out. We were the only ones here. The doors were closed. My vision was going blurry.
I heard footsteps, and they immediately stop. I look over, and Freddy was pale with shock and anger. "Freddy, help. I can't breathe." I say, lower than a whisper, but he still heard me. "Let her go Jade." He said, pleading and angry. Jade sighed and furiously dropped me to the ground.
I yelled in pain, as I landed on my elbow, and dislocated my shoulder. She was tall, and was holding me at arms length. I couldn't breathe for a moment, but, took short breaths. Jade stomped away, along with her clique. I struggled to get up, but, Freddy ran over to me as soon as he got the chance. "I'm taking you to the nurse." He said. I stared at him, and grabbed his shoulder. "I'm sorry. About Jade." I said. He nods, "you don't have to be. Jade does."

I saw Mr. Finn burst through the door, along with the kid, who I later learned was Zack.
I open my eyes to find a different ceiling. The nurses office. I turn my head, and find Freddy with his head in his hands. He looked up, and sighed. He didn't say anything. He got up and left. Just like that.
I turn, but soon regret it, remembering I had dislocated my shoulder. I yell out in agony. Freddy comes rushing in again, along with Zack and the nurse. I held my shoulder. "Don't worry, the ambulance will be here soon." Said the nurse. She had a hint of Russia in her voice.
"We'll just need to contact your father, and--"
"No! Please, don't call him." The nurse looked at Freddy, and he nodded. "Don't. Just contact my mother. Alison and my mom are close." He said. The nurse nodded, and rushed off. Zack and Freddy stayed behind. "W-what happened?" I asked. Zach cleared his throat, "you fainted."
I said 'oh' as my eyes began to drift. Freddy tensed, "Alison, please, stay awake and strong. Just try to stay awake until the ambulance gets here." Zach raised an eyebrow at Freddy's sudden change in personality.

I nodded willfully. Something dawned on Zach and he looked at Freddy who nodded. Zach left.
"Freddy?" I asked. He looked up, and scooted closer to me. "What is it?" He replied. "Remember when you said that nothing bad happens at prep schools?" I said. Freddy tensed at the memory of his words he shook his head, "I know and I'm sorry about it. I didn't realize things like that could happen to you. I don't think I've seen you get hurt before." He added softly.

I hesitated with my next three words. "Yes you have."
Freddy stared at me in disbelief. "What? When?" He asked getting louder.
I frowned at the memory. "Remember, in third grade? You came over to my house for the first time. I didn't want you to come, but you insisted. At night, my dad came home drunk, and he barged in my room. He started beating the crap outta me. While you watched."
Freddy looked horrified. "Now I remember."
He held my hand. "If and when he beats you again, call me, and you can spend the night with me."

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