ᗷOYᖴᖇIEᑎᗪ Oᖇ ᒍᑌᔕT ᖴᖇIEᑎᗪᔕ?

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I walked out the door and waited for Freddy. "C'mon! Hurry up, you sloth!" I yelled. Freddy came trudging down the stairs, "but, I'm tired!" He whined. I shook my head, "stop stalling." "I'm not stalling!" He said.
I rolled my eyes, and grabbed his wrist. I poked his forearm. "You seriously need to start working out." I said. A light blush crept up his cheeks, "whatever." We walked to school in silence.
I broke the silence, " so~."
"So~." He took a deep breath. "About yesterday... Does that mean we're boyfriend and girlfriend?" He blushed. I held my breath. "I honestly think we should stay friends." I said. I could hear his breath hitch, "why?" He asked softly. I shook my head, "if we end up going out, and we break up, it's going to be awkward for us to be friends." He put his hands behind his head, and chuckled. "True."
The silence stretched between us again. And he broke it.
"We're here."
Sorry for the short chapter o.o
It's literally 1:26 am here in Austin, and I kinda ran out of ideas. The next chapter will be extra long! GN!

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