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I was finally out of the hospital the very next day. I was let out in the morning so I had time to change (which was painful) and go to school.
"Are you sure you don't want me to carry your bag? It looks kinda painful." Freddy said as we walked down the hall to Math. I grimaced as I rolled my shoulder a bit, "I'm fine, it doesn't hurt as much as it did yesterday. Or the day before."
He placed his hand on my good shoulder, "at least let me pop it back into place for you. Y'know so it won't hurt." I stopped instantly, and stared at them. Freddy waved his hand in front of my face.
"Don't tell me you're zoning out now. Wait, what're you..." He trailed off and looked in the direction I was looking at.

His eyes widened. Jade Rubio was heading straight towards us with anger in her eyes and her nostrils flaring. Freddy stepped in front of me protectively.as she passed by, she whispered in my ear: "you son of a bitch, you got me suspended. Meet me outside after school."
I watched them as they rehearsed their songs. They were really good. And I didn't know Mr. Finn knew how to play a guitar, and their lead singer is amazing. Once they finished I clapped. "That was really amazing, guys. You're so talented!" I said.
Lawrence winked at me, "thank you pretty lady."

"Don't push it," I said. "I won't," he says embarrassed.
Tamika smiled at me, "I want to ask you something." "What is it?" I asked softly. "We're kind of in the need of a vocalist. Would you like to try and sing?" She asked. Everyone stared at me in anticipation, even Mr. Finn looked like he was working up a sweat. "Sure, I guess I'll try." I said.
"She's good at singing Mr. Finn. You should've seen her at the talent show in fourth grade." Said Freddy smiling like an idiot. I blushed. Is it weird that I have a crush on my best friend? Have I mentioned that yet? I think did. I set my journal ( the one I'm writing in now) on the stool and stand up. The floor beneath me sways a little, but I'm sure they didn't notice. They were busy getting their instruments ready.

Tamika hands me her mic and I begin to sing. Mr. Finn smiles and Lawrence lets out a sigh. Zack and Freddy fist bump each other and Tamika and Summer glance at each other. Once I finish, Mr. Finn yells in happiness.
"We found our vocalist!" They all clap. My phone buzzes and I take it out. I got an Email. From Jade Rubio.

Jade: I told you to meet me outside after school!!!!!

My  eyes widen with fear. I quickly walk over to the stool and pick up my things. Summer eyes me suspiciously. "Where are you going, Alison?!" Asks Mr. Finn. I walk backwards towards the door, "I just remembered that I had to do something after school. Thanks for letting me become a vocalist! Catch you later!" I start running down the hallway. Before I closed the door, I could see Freddy and Summer grab their things. I start to sprint down the hallway. I guess they both had the same thing in mind.

I burst through the doors, and a punch lands on my face. It causes me to land on my dislocated shoulder, and I let out a whimper. Jade grinned. " you're late. For a minute there I thought you were going to ditch. But, I guess you didn't." She cracked her knuckles. "This is gonna be fun." She said menacingly. I dodged her next punch, and got up and started sprinting down the hallway.

If I could just make it down the hallway and find the classroom where rehearsal was at, then maybe-- my thoughts were cut off as she grabbed my shoulder and threw me to the ground, I breathed heavily. "You really are a sneaky little bastard aren't you?" She raised her fist. "Well that bastard got that from me!" Said Freddy who was down the hall. Summer had a whistle in her mouth. Jade laughed. "What is this, gym class? Freddy, I thought you like me."

Summer glanced at him, and his eyes widen. "How did you know." He said. She winked at him, "I have my ways."
She looked at me, and saw that my things were spilled on the ground. She noticed my journal. She grabbed it just when I started for it. "Is this your little diary?" She smirked. She flipped through the pages, but, stopped. Something caught her eye. "Oh! Someone has a crush on someone else! And you happen to know him very well."  I glanced at Summer, and she seemed to get the message.

She took a deep breath, and blew.

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