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He started whipping me with a cord. "Leave me alone!" I shrieked. Blood started soaking my clothes. More blood than expected. Then Jade came and grabbed my shirt.
"Worthless piece of  shit! I fell in love with Freddy first!"
She raised her fist.

"Leave me alone!" I shrieked. I sit bolt upright in bed. I breath heavily. Freddy's mom stared at me with concern. I sighed, "I'm so sorry, I--" she held up a hand. "No need to worry. I understand."
I look around. "Where's Freddy?" I asked. "Oh, he joined a band. He stayed after school to practice, they should be finished now." She says glancing at her watch. Huh. Never thought I'd hear that. Freddy doesn't seem like the one to join a band. He's into skateboarding and surprisingly board games. Anything that has the word board in it.

Freddy and four others walk in. I recognize two of them immediately, one being Summer, and the other being Zack. The small girl with the black hair holds her hand out. "Hello, my name is Tamika, and I am the lead singer in our band."
Freddy nudges her, "she doesn't know we're in a band, yet." Tamika turns around. "Whoops." She says plainly. I held my hands up in self defense, "actually I do." Their eyes widen. "How do you--" Zack begins, but I point to Freddy's mom who waves. Freddy blushes, "sorry, I didn't tell you sooner Alison."
I nod, "it's okay. How did I get here in the first place?" I asked looking around. Summer rolled her eyes. "By an ambulance." She was obviously trying to make me feel bad, but, too bad sweet summer flower, 'cause that ain't going to work.

"I know that." I hugged my knees up to my chest. Freddy glances at his mom. "She had a nightmare about 'the incident.'"
Freddy nodded, and walked over to me. He hugged me tightly, and I could see Summer and Tamika look at each other nervously. "Don't worry. The next beating he gives you will be his last. I promise," he whispered in my ear. I shivered.

He rubbed my shoulders. I grabbed his shirt, and he looked confused. "You have to bring me real food! The food here is disgusting." I said. Freddy and the others laugh. "It can't be that bad." He said.
I glanced at the nightstand. He looked and a tray of hospital food was on the table. It was uneaten. "That does look kinda weird," he said inspecting the food. "Kinda?" Said the kid with the glasses. "It looks gross! They have Jell-O? That kinda looks like mucus."
I raise an eyebrow. "This is Lawrence." Says Zack.
I smile a bit, "nice to meet you Lawrence. I'm Alison." He shifts his glasses into place. "That's good to know."

Freddy changes the subject, "did they say when you're coming out of the hospital?" I rubbed my chin.
"They said tomorrow, although one nurse didn't have the courage to pop my shoulder back into place, so--"
Summer interrupts, "you're going to wear a cast?" I shake my head. "She said to have someone else do it. Someone gentle, and trustworthy."
Freddy rose his hand, "I'm gentle, and trustworthy." Summer smiled and blushed. I grin. "Yea, but, I can barely move it." I said.

Zack walked up to me, and poked my shoulder.
"Ow! Zack what the hell is wrong with you?!" I yelled. Zack held his hands up in defense. "How was I supposed to know it would hurt!? It's not like I knew! It was just a poke!" He said. The others started laughing.
They're in a band huh? Sounds like fun.

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