ҌɑϲƙՏեɑҍҍҽɾ(chapt 32)

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Alison POV

"What are you talking about?" She asked innocently. I frowned at her. "You know exactly what I'm talking about, Jessica," I said angrily.
I knew she had something to do with breaking my friendship with Freddy, and I wanted to hear her reason. She sent me a glare, and her tone changed completely. "Listen here. I did contribute to the whole I broke your friendship up with him thing. And I'm proud of it," she said. She stared at herself in the mirror.
"Just tell me already, " I said impatiently. She sighed dramatically, and whipped around, "the only reason why I did this, was because of Summer. I obviously wanted Summer to have him, and for you to stay completely out of the picture, was to get Freddy to hate you."
I glared at her. "And why did you decide to betray me so quickly?" I asked.
She groaned, "you ask so many questions! You are a nerd. I did it because I want to be popular." I ball my hands into fists, she automatically checked her phone. "So I moved in here for nothing!?" I yelled. She grinned, "that took awhile to understand!"
I decided to just take some valuable things of mine and stuff them in a bag. "I'll come back for my clothes tomorrow. Bitch," I say. She looks baffled, and she walked closer to me. "What did you just call me!?" She raised her hand, but I stopped it. I put on a fake smile, and I gestured at the door.
"Please excuse my language. I didn't mean to offend female dogs," I say. She blinks. "W-what?" She asks.
I frowned, "I called you a bitch didn't I? And female dogs are referred to bitches, so I'm offending female dogs by calling you one." She blinked again.
I face palmed. I then mumbled something, and walked out the door. It was pouring rain outside, and I didn't have an umbrella with me.
I walk on the sidewalk with my bag, and instantly regret leaving without taking some clothes. I finally walked down the street I thought I'd never see again.
I knock softly on the door, and someone opens it. A young woman with short light brown hair and green eyes appears.
Her eyes light up when she sees me, "Alison! I haven't seen you in awhile! How are you?" I blink. "M-Mrs. Jones, hi, how's it been? Is Freddy on here?" I ask, looking inside. She nods, "he's upstairs doing his homework!"
That's new.
I thank her, and make my way upstairs. I open the door, and Freddy instantly turns around. He gawks at me, "holy crap, you're soaking wet! What've you been doing outside? You're gonna catch a cold, and it's not okay now that you have asthma! And why are you here? Did Jessica kick you out? Did-"
"Calm down! Holy cow, seriously Freddy, how many times are you going to ask questions?" I say, laughing.  He breathed a sigh of relief, and handed me one of his shirts. "I'm just worried about you, Angel. You're much more defenseless than before, and I can't let anything happen to you. I won't, " he said, patting my head. He points to the guest room, "you should take a shower, and then go to sleep. You look beat!"
I look at myself and laugh, "pretty sure I already did the first part!"
He chuckles, and I could already feel our friendship frowning back together.

Holy cow on a stick, sorry for not publishing in awhile! I've been busy at my new job for awhile, and I couldn't find any time to balance college and a job, and couldn't find time to publish.
Forgive me! -Sage~

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