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Might contain a Lime. If you don't wanna read it, don't. Fair warning.

My stomach is killing me! I'm not even sure if it's possible for it to hurt so much!
"Freddy!" I groan out. I look at the clock. 6:20. He had exactly 40 minutes to get ready. I'm pretty sure he's done by now. Freddy walks in quickly but cautiously at the same time, careful not to spill the tea he made. He placed it on the nightstand.
"Are you sure you're okay with me leaving you like this?" He asked. I nodded, "I'll be fine, I promise." I reach for the cup, but Freddy gives it to me instead. He caresses my cheek, "I think something's wrong, Alison. Your health hasn't exactly been on your side this past month." I sigh, "I know. Maybe it's a cramp or something."
He hesitated with his next question, "well, are you on your period?" I shook my head, "that's the thing. I haven't gotten it yet."
The doorbell rang. Well somebody's early. And eager. "That must be Summer. Are you sure you're gonna be okay?" He asked again. I groaned a bit when a sharp pain shot through me. "I'll be fine. Just go." I said. He walks over to me and puts the blanket over my shoulder. He then kisses my forehead, and waves. He walks out. And I can hear voices downstairs. The door closes, and silence fills the air. My phone buzzes.
I reach for it, and see who it's from.

LawrenceRocks!: I thought you were gonna spy on them

Alison4Life!: Can't, I got sick :P

LawrenceRocks!: Oh, I'll add Zach into the chat.

ZachIsBored: What?

I laugh at his name. He's always bored.

(Freddy POV)

We were silent for a moment. That is, until I break the silence by sighing. "So, you wanna go to the lake?" I ask. You idiot, that's Alison's thing! I hope she's alright.
She perks up, "sure, I'd love to!" I liked her attitude. She was nice, calm, and perky, besides being nice, and perky, I'm never calm, especially in tough situations like right now. I'm not calm. By best friend (and possibly girlfriend) is sick, and I'm not there to help her!
She stands up and so do I. We walk to the store and she buys a swimsuit. I decided to just swim with my boxers, I don't care.
Once we got there, I tried so hard not to remember the day I was here with Alison. Bah! You're acting like she's dead! Get over yourself, she's just sick.
I got a text message.

Alison4Life: So~ how's it going?

FredIsCool: Pretty good. How about you? Feeling any better?

Alison4Life: couldn't get any worse. It's torture.

FredIsCool: Don't worry, when I get home, I'll make you feel better😘

Alison4Life: with kisses?

Summer calls me over. "C'mon Freddy!" She says. I smiled at her, and jumped in. Without my phone. After that, we spent the rest of our time talking to each other. I learned more about her than I bargained for.

(Alison POV)

"Pure torture!" I scream. "Whoa! Someone's having a rough time!" Says a familiar voice. Freddy walks into room, holding a bag. "I bought you dinner." He says, gently caressing my hair.
I shook my head, "I don't wanna eat, smell, or even look at food right now. It makes me wanna throw up." I groaned in slight agony. "Alison, I don't know what to do. Maybe I should take you to a doctor." He says. I tremble a bit, "but you're parents aren't even home yet. How're we gonna go?" He sighs. His eyes light up, "remember how earlier I said I was gonna make you feel better with kisses?" I blush, "I though you were kidding."
He kisses my forehead, and goes on from there. He then kissed my neck. "You feel any better?" He asks. I shook my head. He pins my arms to bed, but stops suddenly when I cry out in pain, "Freddy, stop it hurts!" He quickly gets off, and I go back to fetal position. "I-I'm so sorry, I did t mean to." He says. "It's okay." I reply.
I close my eyes and suddenly fall into a deep sleep.

Freddy POV

"Alison, I--" I stop when I see that her eyes are closed. Her breathing follows a normal rhythm and I smile. I change into my pajamas and turn the lights off around the house. I make a hard decision, but do it anyway.
I get on the bed behind her, and wrap my arms around her aching stomach. Hopefully she'll feel better.

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