Chapter One -- First Day

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Jane's POV -- August 25, 2016 -- 8:15 a.m.

"Jane Bird?"

"Here!" I sit down at my newly assigned seat in the front row of the classroom. Mrs. Knowles, my new history teacher, marks my name down on the role. I watch as she continues to place people in their seats, looking for potential friends.I see a girl with bright blonde hair who looks pretty popular. She's a good option. I look around and see an attractive boy with brown hair and blonde highlights. He catches me looking and winks. I blush and try to act like I was looking somewhere else.

"May I please have your attention up here class?" Mrs. Knowles says after she's finished seating the last person, pulling my attention to the front of the class. "Welcome to your Ancient World History class. To start off, I'm aware that there are many sophomores or new students in this class, so we're going to play a little get to know you game. I'm going to pair you up with someone in the class, and you'll have 15 minutes to get to know them. You'd better start to like that person now because that person will be your partner for the rest of the year." The whole class sighs. She starts to list off names and I notice that she is partnering in boy-girl. I curse under my breath. Most of the class is paired up and there are only six people (including me) left.

"Jane Bird and Mystery Volt." She says as she motions to a boy to come up to the front and sit by me.

The boy sits down beside me and I curse heaven. He's exactly the type of guy that I was planning on staying away from. The kind of person that I used to be.

Mystery Volt has pin-straight black hair that covers his eyes. He's wearing a Pierce the Veil t-shirt and black skinny jeans. He has a plethora of bracelets around his arms and a military styled chain around his neck without a tag. He's wearing black vans that are loosely tied and worn out. My heart melts. He is exactly the type of guy that I would have fallen for at my old school. But I'm a different person now, so I can't have those kinds of thoughts running through my head.

He brushes his hair to the side to look at me and I have to hold in a gasp. As I look into is bright blue eyes, he smiles and says, "Hey, my name is Mystery." He sticks out his slender hand towards me.

I shyly shake it and say, "I'm Jane."

He smiles, letting my hand go, and looks down at the desk he's sitting at. We sit in silence for a few minutes as I twiddle my fingers that wield brightly colored nails. I really do not want to get to know him. Things will not go well for me if I do.

"So, who's your favorite band?" He asks as he looks up at me.

I really want to tell him the truth and say Pierce the Veil or My Chemical Romance, but instead I say, "I like Meghan Trainor and Justin Timberlake."

He laughs slightly and I'm offended. "I asked, who your favorite band was, not artist."

I frown. "Fine. Five Seconds of Summer then."

He chuckles again.

"What? They're a good band with good songs!" I defend the band that I hate deep within my heart.

He raises his hands in surrender. "Sorry! I just don't- never mind." He smiles to himself and I have to constantly remind myself that I'm a new person now.

"Ok, so, um, who's your favorite band?" I ask awkwardly.

"Pierce the Veil, My Chemical Romance, Green Day, and lots of others." He brushes his perfect hair to the side again.

"I said band. Not bands." I say all snarky like.

He smiles. "Well in that case, Pierce the Veil is my favorite band."

We look into each others eyes for a split second then sit the rest of the 15 minutes in silence.

Photograph is Jane Bird

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