Chapter Twenty-nine -- Seriously?

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Jane's POV

I watch through blurry eyes as he leaves my room, slightly wanting him to turn around and come back, but I wasn't that lucky.

I turn away, angry. I'm not sure who I'm angry at specifically, but I'm just angry.

As soon as he leaves, I'm flooded with the memories of my first suicide attempt.

I layed on my bed, tears and makeup staining my face. "Why did I ever leave him??" I cry softly.

I scrunch my eyes and try to forget that night.

"Jane?" I look towards the door to see my parents coming in. "Oh Jane!" My mother rushes to my side and hugs me tightly, something she's never done before.

My parents and Katey flood me with questions, and I feel like my brain will explode. But thankfully, I'm interrupted when I hear a soft tap on the open door.

"Excuse me, is this Jane Bird's room? I have a delivery." I turn and see a short elderly lady with her grey hair tied in a tight bun on the top of her head.

"You're in the right place." My dad says and the woman smiles in relief.

She steps into the room and stands by the side of my bed. "A young man left this for you not long ago." She places a large and beautiful rose, one of the most gorgeous that I've ever seen, on the nightstand on the side of my hospital bed.

The rose has a tag tied to it with a black ribbon. I pick it up, knowing immediately who it's from.

I'm sorry. If you ever need to talk, here's my number. 212-147-2580

Without meaning to, I start to cry again. The old lady smiles sadly and inches out of the room. My mother gets a frightened look on her face like she doesn't know how to deal with tears. My dad awkwardly pats my head. And Katey sits on the end of my bed and watches me sadly.

The only person who ever really knew me was Mystery. And now he's gone. Forever. He's never going to want to take me back after every single shitty thing I've done to hurt him. I've done no good in this world. I've only hurt everyone who dared get close to me. I'm a huge disappointment...

Suddenly, I hear loud commotion out in the hall because the lady didn't bother closing the door. I look towards the door and see several doctors wheeling an emergency bed past my room and into the emergency hall, where I was only a few days previous.

My dad growls in frustration and storms towards the door. He stops however when he gets a closer look at the scene outside my room.

"Honey, come here..." My dad calls my mother over and she rushes to his side. She immediately throws her hands over her mouth as she gasps, looking back towards me.

My mind starts to run away, it could be anyone or anything. "Mom? Dad?" I question and look over at Katey with a worried expression. Katey shrugs and stands to go join my parents in the doorway.

"Oh dear..." Katey moans as she watches the doctors wheel the bed to the emergency hall.

"What is it?" I start getting frustrated as everyone turns to look at me with sad eyes.

"Jane..." Katey starts. "That was-- him. That was Mystery."

I gasp and attempt to get out of my bed but my weak legs get caught in the blankets and I end up on the floor.

"Jane!" My mother rushes to my side and helps me sit up. "Don't move, you have to stay in bed!"

"But I have to see him!" I yell at my mom. "This is all my fault!"

"You can't go out there!" My mom yells back.

I struggle against her and pull out my IV's. My mom looks up at my dad for help but he's gone.

He shows up a moment later with a wheelchair in his hands. "She needs this Mary." He says to my mom in a quite voice that I barely hear.

I sigh and my mom groans. "Thank you so much dad!" I say while trying to hold back tears. This is probably the nicest thing my dad has done for me.

My dad helps me up off the ground and into the wheelchair. He then starts pushing me out of the room.

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