Chapter Twenty-seven -- Critical Veins

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Mystery's POV

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

All four of us wait.

We watch her face in silence.

We hear her soft breathing while we hold our own.

I've been here for almost 24 hours without a wink of sleep. I just can't be away from her for a second for fear of her waking up and me not being here for her.

I rub her cold hand and try to make it warm. It's been years since I've held these small hands of hers. I place my lips on her knuckles and hold her hand there, not wanting to pull away.

The doctors had to drain her system of the bleach and drugs but they also told us that she's slowly improving in her sleep. Her body is slowly rebuilding itself. Which is a good thing.

A doctor knocks on the door, turning the heads of everyone else except me.

They nod towards the doctor and stand up and walk out of the room.

I feel a hand touch my shoulder and look up through blurry eyes and see the doctor smiling down at me.

"You're going to have to leave for now sir, we have to change her bandages, and believe me, it's not a sight you'll want to behold."

I stare up at him for a moment longer before saying, "I'm not leaving."

"Sir- I'm afraid I can't let you stay."

"I've seen her scars before, and no matter what anyone else says, I'm going to see these one's sooner or later." I say firmly, as I stand up.

The doctor looks at me and sighs. "You can sit over there." he points to the chair in the corner of the room.

I walk over and sit while the doctor and a nurse go on either side of Jane.

**Mature** I watch as the doctor slowly starts to unravel the bandages on Jane's right arm. Soon her pale skin comes into view.

The doctor gives the used bandage to the nurse and she hands him a disinfectant wipe.

He turns her arm so that he can wipe it down and I now see everything.

On her right arm, in all caps, is written: DISAPPOINTMENT.

There are multiple large vertical cuts reaching from her wrist to her elbow.

She moans softly as the doctor gently wipes her cuts down.

I stand up. "You're hurting her."

"I'm helping her. She hurt herself and I'm only trying to heal her." The doctor says angrily. "Now if you want to stay in here, you'll sit down and stop talking."

I sit down.

The doctor puts new wrappings on her arm and starts to unwrap the left one.

This one is just as bad. It has identical vertical cuts and again in all caps, it says: I'M A HUGE.


My Jane thinks she's a huge disappointment.

Oh God... I just called her my Jane....

But was she? My Jane? If she makes it out alive, then what? She didn't mention having a boyfriend... But I have a girlfriend. And I love Macey.

Macey is cute and funny and she understands me and I understand her. She helped me back up when Jane left me down. But she's always gone. Like right now she's in Florida for a work trip. She doesn't even tell me when she gets back.

Shit... I never responded to ANY of her messages. And she's been sending them by the minute!

But I don't bother checking my phone. I'm with Jane now and I want to savor every second I have with her.

The doctor finishes up and leaves the room, leaving me and Jane alone together once more.

"Jane..." I whisper. "I know you can't hear me but I just need to talk. I--" I stop for a second and grab her hand.

"I'm so sorry..." Tears make their way slowly out of my eyes.

"I had no idea you were still feeling like this. Or maybe I triggered these thoughts. But if I could change anything, I'd change how I didn't try to get you back. I'm so sorry Jane... I still- I still love you with all my heart..." I stand and bend over her frail body.

A tear falls from my face and lands on hers. I give in to all feelings that I've been trying to hold back and I kiss her.

I make it soft and short but it was then that I knew that I couldn't give her up again.

I stand up straight and start to walk out the door. But I'm interrupted when I hear a soft voice that I was sure was coming from my head.


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