Chapter Thirty-Two -- Moved In

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Mystery's POV - One week later

"Jane..." I whine, holding my arms out to her.

She smiles teasingly back at me. "Mystery, it's almost 10! I have an interview at 2 that I need to get ready for."

"But that's at 2. You don't need four hours to get ready, come on. Just one more hour." I wiggle my fingers with my arms reaching out to her.

She looks at me with a look that says she's seriously debating it and I get excited.

"Alright." She sighs and smiles at me. "Just one more hour." She climbs back in bed beside me and I wrap my arms around her frail form.

I smile against her hair and nuzzle my face in her neck.

"Why do I let you do this to me?" Jane chuckles slightly and rolls over to face me.

I brush her messy brown hair out of her face and we stare at each other for a moment. Her multicoloured eyes gleaming with the morning sun shining through the window. She has small bits of makeup surrounding her eyes. I kiss the tip of her nose.

"Mmm.. I know why. It's because I love you." She kisses my lips softly.

We lay in bed for another hour, cuddling and talking about whatever comes to our minds. She sits up and starts to climb out of bed and I sigh heavily. I watch as she stands up and stretches, giving me a perfect view of her perfect body. She's wearing a black tank top and volleyball shorts. Her hair is a tangled mess and her eyes are faintly shallow.

We got back from the hospital yesterday and we're both still covered in bandages or (in my case) casts. As soon as we were let out, Jane moved in with me.

Jane sits on the side of the bed and starts to unravel her wraps. I sit next to her and help her out. Her scars are pink and swollen, in the process of healing. She's going to have to keep wearing her wraps for another week or two. She looks up at me sadly and holds her arms out numbly in front of her. I take her hands in mine and turn her towards me. We both look down at our broken bodies.

"Jane... I thought I lost you." my voice breaks.

"I know... And I thought I had lost you too..." She says quietly.

"Jane." I pull her chin up with my hand and make her look me in the eyes. "We are both still here. If that's not a sign, I don't know what is."

She chuckles sadly and leans her head against my shoulder, where we stay for as long as we can.


Jane's POV

I walk back into the apartment after my interview and kick my heals into the corner. Mystery is at work currently and won't get back until 6. I turn my phone on and look through my notifications.

Hey sweety, text me when you get back from your interview! I want to know how it went! Good luck!

I smile as I read Mystery's text.

It went great! Thanks for asking ;) I think they liked me! I hope they did anyways! By the way, what would you like for dinner tonite?

I ask, having in mind of cooking dinner. I've always loved cooking, which is why I applied to work at my favorite restaurant.

I shrug my jacket off and hang it up in my new closet. I was still in the process of moving in so there are boxes everywhere. But so far, I have a room (shared with Mystery), a separate closet, my own bathroom, and my "need space" room. Mystery works as a mental therapist for adolescence so he usually gets paid a lot. His apartment is big and open. There are three rooms, a library/office, kitchen/dinning room, two bathrooms, and a large living area. It also has two floors and a balcony with a view of New York City. I walk down the stairs and read Mystery's recent text as I enter the kitchen area.

I'm glad it went good! When do you find out if you got it? And dinner?? Wow! Super fiance! I like basically most things but my top favorite is spaghetti or anything Italian. Thanks babe, I love you!

I enter the kitchen and look around. Good thing Spaghetti is easy to make because I have no idea where anything is in this place! I search around in drawers and cupboards and pull out pots and noodles and whatever else I may need. But then I find something I wasn't expecting to find.

In various drawers and cupboards I find several used and unused needles and empty prescription bottles. I gasp and search for anymore. Once I get them all together, I pile them into a bag and take them out to the trash. I had no idea he was an addict... How is this going to help me with my own addictions? I wonder and I pretend nothing happened.

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