Chapter Nineteen -- The Only Option

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Jane's POV -- October 28, 2016

Mystery left for work about two hours ago to work a five hour shift. He left me alone at his house with his psycho mother, but he left his car keys because he could walk to work within 10 minutes.

I'm dressed in a plain black, girls fitting, t-shirt, short exercise shorts and I'm barefoot.

I pull my hair up in a loose and messy ponytail, enjoying my new colors.

I look at myself in Mystery's mirror and I'm satisfied. My makeup looks good, my hair looks cute, my piercings add a good flare, but the only thing that disappoints me are the new cuts on my arm.

I lightly brush the swollen skin with my hand and I cringe. I did this to myself. Am I really that insane?

Mystery was kind enough to take me under his wing, but for how long? He is already working super hard to pay for a small house for he and his mom to live in. How on earth could he pay for three?

My mind whirls as I try to go over my options. I could get a job of my own and help Mystery with his fees, but that wouldn't help much at all. Or I could leave and no longer be a burden to him. What other options did I have? I hate to admit it, but I need to get back to my parents...

I stand up straight and grab Mystery's keys, my phone, and a jacket to cover my arms.

I'd totally skipped school today because me and Mystery had slept in so late. School got out at 2 and thats when Mystery had to leave.

It's now 4 so I know he should be home. He as in the person I wished to visit. The person that could get me back to my parents.

I get in Mystery's car and start the engine and drive out of the sketchy neighbourhood.

Once I pull up in front of his house, I'm hit with a wave of nausea. What the hell am I doing here?? I remind myself why I'm doing this several times before my breathing has slowed to a more-or-less comfortable pace.

I step out of the car. Each step towards his front door feels heavier, making it harder to move my feet.

But I get there and I ring the doorbell before I can run back to my car.

Maybe he's not home... I wonder. But I'm proven wrong when I can hear deep base music playing and people yelling at each other. But maybe they didn't hear the doorbell ring...

But I'm proven wrong once more when I hear the lock clicking and I watch in horror as the very person I came to see opens the door.

He smirks at the sight of me. "Well hello sweetheart. How'd you sleep last night enveloped within your emo boyfriend's arms? How far did you two get?"

"Shut up Jared."

"Ooh spicy! You know, I'm in the mood for a spicy meal. If you'd do me the honor of course." He winks and flashes his blinding teeth.

"Jared stop talking. I need your help." I insist as I glare at him.

"Come inside, it's amazing in there." He winks again as he motions me to go inside his house. "My parents are on their month long cruise." He explains the question of parents.

"No." I say. "I'd much rather prefer we talk out here."

He leans against the door frame. "Enlighten me."

"It's about my parents." I start but am interrupted.

"Ah yes, heard they kicked you out." he clears his throat. "I mean, grounded you from living at your own house."

"How did you know that?" I ask cautiously.

He smiles. "My dear, me and your parents are tight. They paid me big bucks at the beginning of the school year just to take you to homecoming. They wanted me to make sure you were the type of child they wanted. Looks like I failed huh?" He looks me up and down.

I'm astonished. My parents would actually pay people to be my friends? I thought that was just a joke parents used!

"Well, I can't stay at Mystery's place for too much longer because that increases the people he needs to feed." I continue.

"So why'd you come to me?"

"I need you to convince my parents to let me back in, at least until school is done." I say and watch as he thinks it over.

"You know that even if I try, they still might not let you back in, right?" he looks at me warily and I nod.

This is the best choice I've got. The most reasonable one anyways.

He stands up straight and says, "You know, this is going to have a high price on it."

"How much?" I ask, worried.

"Princess, I think you know what my price is." He smirks.

I breath heavily and remind myself why I'm throwing my life to the dogs. I love him and I don't want to be an extra weight on his shoulders. God I love you Mystery.

I nod and walk into the house. He smacks my ass from behind, making me jump. He laughs evily as he locks the door behind us.

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