Chapter Twenty -- Macey

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Mystery's POV -- June 19, 2019

Four years later...

I walk into my apartment and throw my bag onto my couch and sit next to it. I pull out my phone and see one text message. It's from my girlfriend Macey.

Happy birthday cutie! I hope you have a great day today! I'm so sorry that I can't be with you today but your present was sent two days ago so it should be there soon! I love you so much and I'm so glad you were able to come into my life! I'll call you tonight! ❤❤❤

I smile. I met Macey in my psychology class in college and she had needed me just as much as I needed her at the time.

*Flashback two years*

I walk into my psychology class on my first day at college. I was crumbling inside. Jane -- the only ray of sunshine in my life -- had left me a few months earlier.

When I had gone out looking for her, the psychopath Jared told me, "Oh yeah she was here. Not too long ago actually. But yeah she showed up on my doorstep one day wanting a little fun. She told me that you just weren't her type and she hated this school and she wanted to move back in with her parents. She was an emotional mess, I mean she was crying her face off, but I comforted her, and lets just say, we were both very comfortable after we got a little frisky. As I said before, she has a nice body. But anyways, yeah she and her parents moved right away and as far as I know, she's finishing school up at Mainridge."

Mainridge was about two hours away so I went to go find her. But as soon as I walk into her school, I see her with blonde hair, no piercings, sparkly clothes and laughing her head off with people who looked just like her. I left within the minute and never looked back.

I walk into class and make my way to the back. Classic.

I see a girl with bright blue hair and a My Chemical Romance t-shirt sitting next to me.

"Hi!" She smiled and waved at me. "I'm Macey."

I smiled slightly in her direction. "I'm Mystery."

"Mystery! That's a sick name! Sounds very... Mysterious..." She giggles and snorts slightly.

*Return to the present*

Thanks babe! I love you too and I can't wait to call! 😘

I respond to Macey's text.

I lay my head back and sigh. I pull out a cigarette and light it as I enter my trashed kitchen. Needles and prescription bottles were everywhere. Along with miscellaneous food wrappers and dirty dishes.

I open my fridge and pull out a milk jug and pour some into a glass.

God Jane... If only you could see me now...

Photograph is Macey

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