Chapter Twenty-two -- Boxes

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Mystery's POV

I hear the doorbell ring. I get up off the couch and walk over to the door.

When I open it, I see a cheery, large mailman holding a big box in his arms.

"Um, hi! I was told to give this to you with a smile that says happy birthday!" The man says as I let him into my apartment.

"Um, thanks."

"No problem!" He sets the box down on the floor. "Yeesh... Looks like you need to get yourself under control, huh!" He laughs as he looks around the messy room.

"Uh, yeah... Look, I have things I need to do so if you could leave soon that'd be great. Here have a tip." I hand him a stray five dollar bill as I edge him towards the door.

I lock the door behind him and sigh. I start to pick up trash and needles before I open the huge box.

Inside the box is another box. Inside that box is another box. And so on. I go 5 more boxes down before I get to the actual present. It's wrapped in white paper with a red bow tied around it. My first thought brought me back to a memory when Jane had dyed her hair and convinced me to dye the tips of my black hair. My hair is now an auburn brown color and it's cut shorter than I had it in high school.

I unwrap the medium sized box and see a plethora of Pierce the Veil things. Bracelets, t-shirts, earrings, cds, and so on.

I sit down on the floor and start to sob. It's not Macey's fault, she knew I love Pierce the Veil and so that's what she got me. Only she doesn't know that all Pierce the Veil does for me now is remind me of Jane.

I wipe the tears from my face and stand up. I need some fresh air tonight before I go to bed.

It's about 6:30 in the evening when I walk out the door wearing a light jacket and jeans.

I start to walk all around New York city with no destination or purpose in mind.

I walk through neighborhood parks, down main street and through alleyways.

I'm walking with my head down and my hood on and I don't realize that I'm about to hit someone -- until after I hit them of course.

"Oh sorry." I mumble and look up briefly. The girl I see is crying and she doesn't even realize that I just bumped her.

"Hey ma'am, are you alright? Could I help you with anything?" I softly tap her shoulder and she turns to look at me.

I stumble backwards and trip over an empty box, landing on my butt.

"Oh I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to frighten you! I was only turning to see who spoke! The voice sounded familiar." She apologizes through sobs.

It can't be. Why would she be here?

"No I'm sorry ma'am. I don't know what came over me. Is there anything I can do to help you?" I ask as I stand up and brush myself off.

She tucks a strand of her brown hair behind her ear and wipes away some smeared makeup. "No. I don't think you'd be able to help much. Thank you for your concern though. That alone means a lot to me."

"Maybe we could just sit for a bit and chat? Get some things off your plate?" I ask, desperate to know the truth.

"Actually, that would be wonderful. Would you mind?" she asks, sniffling.

"Not at all! Here, I know a good coffee shop where we can sit down and chat."

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