Chapter Thirty-Seven -- Wedding Preparation

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Jane's POV --
August 23, 2019

It's August 23. My wedding day. It's been a little more than a week since I found out I was pregnant, but it's ok because I'm still not showing. My DNA test proved that my child belongs to Howard Willardson, the last guy I spent the night with, and he wishes to have nothing to do with the child. Me and Mystery still haven't decided what we're going to do with the child but that decision is not for today. Today's decision is how to cope with my mothers manic behaviors.

"Jane!" She squeals from halfway down the hall before bursting into my room. Me and Mystery slept in different rooms because he knew this would happen and he wanted to get as much sleep as he could. I don't blame him.

I groan as my mom turns on the lights and tosses my warm blankets aside. "Jane get up! It's already 6!"

Last I checked, six o'clock was not late. However, I sit up and rub my eyes, not being able to sleep any longer.

"Your hair appointment is in half an hour and we need to get you fed!" She yanks on my arm, pulling me out of bed.

I stumble out into the hallway wearing a long sleeved shirt- covering my scars- and shorts, topped with a messy bed head of newly dyed blonde hair and no makeup.

My mother drags me into the kitchen and I plop down at the counter as she starts throwing eggs, muffins, pancakes, and milk towards me. No meat of course. I begin eating, not filling up, but not leaving crumbs either.

"Hurry!" My mom drags me back into my room and throws some clothes at my chest and leaves the room.

I quickly put on my long sleeved maroon shirt, and black leggings before rushing back out into the hall. We then drive to Darla's Hair Salon, meeting the clock at 6:30 exactly.

"Ah! You must me the bride! Come, come." I'm whisked away by a short, plump woman, covered in makeup and fake nails. She leads me into a dark room which is illuminated by ceiling lights as soon as we step in. She guides me into a black chair and places a towel over my neck.

After a good deep conditioning, she curls my hair and starts to play with it, deciding on what to do.

That's when it hits me.

I'm getting married today.

I'll have a husband.

Mystery will be my husband.

My last name will change.

I could be a mom.

Mrs. Jane Volt.

Tears sting my eyes as I envision my possible new opportunities. I'll never have to be alone again.

Two hours pass quickly at the salon and soon, Darla is working on my makeup.

When she's finally done, she spins my chair and I gasp as I see my reflection in the mirror. My hair is up in an elaborate bun with curls hanging around my ears. There are several red ruby's in my hair. My makeup consists of dark eyeliner, thick lashes, and shimmery, smokey eye, grey eyeshadow. I have dark, red lipstick on and light foundation, making my face look pale.

As I stare at my complexion, my mom enters the room. She gasps.

"Jane, honey. You look absolutely gorgeous." She exclaims as she approaches me. I smile, surprised that she actually likes it.

"Thanks mom."

"Here." She clips something into my hair and I look at it through the mirror. It's a large ruby, rose clip with a black lace backround. "Something old." She smiles sweetly.

"It's beautiful mom! Was it yours?" I touch it tenderly.

"Yes. And my mothers before me. I'm glad you like it." She sniffs.

"Oh mom, please don't cry." I stand and hug my mom.

"I'm so, so sorry Jane. I was probably the worst mother you could have ever had. I wish I could go back and be different, knowing what I know now. But I hope you know, Jane, that I love you, no matter who you are. I'm so glad you're my daughter. I might be too late, but I would like to redeem my actions if you'll let me." she holds me tightly and cries softly.

I try my hardest not to cry along with her. "Oh mom! Of course I'll let you. It's never too late and I love you too!"

She sighs. "Come on. I've got to get a vampire bride to her wedding." She winks at me, we thank Darla, and leave the salon.

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