Chapter Six -- Waffles

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Jane's POV -- September 17, 2016

Mystery leaves me alone in his room with a t-shirt and sweats. And he made sure it was a Pierce the Veil t-shirt.

I'm such an idiot. I've only been at this school a month and I've already been beaten by a jock and figured out by an emo. I'm screwed.

I change and pull my hair up into a messy bun. I look in the mirror at the mess of me. Hmm, I wonder if this kid would by chance have makeup? That's kind of a weird thought but I mean, it's also an understandable thought right? As nice as it would be to have mascara or eyeliner, what I really need is some concealer for these hideous bruises.

I walk out into the hall to ask him but he's not there.

"Mystery?" I whisper as I edge down the hall.

I enter the kitchen area and find him making waffles. He doesn't see me at first and I smile at this sweet action.

Once his bright eyes spot me, he stops what he's doing for a second and stares at me. I blush.

"Uh, hey. You actually look really good in a t-shirt and sweats." He looks back at the batter that he was mixing, shyly.

"Hey, this is really sweet, but I'm really ok without food right now." I say.

He looks up for a second before looking back down. "Um, no. You're not ok without my made-from-scratch waffles. I'm not taking you home until you try it." he says while smirking.

I frown. "So now you're keeping me hostage? For a waffle?"

"Sounds ridiculous right? So how about you just try it so it won't come to that." He gives me a genuine smile.

I can't eat anymore food than I do. I'm too overweight already. But I feel awkward staying here any longer and I have no idea how to get home from here so it's not like I can just leave.

He dishes me up a plate with a large waffle drowing in butter, maple syrup, and whipped cream. I sit down at the counter as he slides the plate and a cup of milk in front of me.

I look at the delicious looking heap on the plate in front of me. It's been so long since I've had a waffle. But I can't.

"Uh, before I eat this, do you by chance have any makeup anywhere around the house?" I stall.

He laughs a genuine laugh. "Hun, just because I'm 'emo' doesn't mean I have to own makeup." I'm completely embarrassed as I stutter trying to find words. "But my mom has some." he laughs hysterically as he exits the room.

Once he's gone, I quickly cut up the waffle in front of me and move it around my plate like I had been eating it.

I jump when I hear a loud shout.

"Hell no you ungrateful brat! After all I've done for you, this is how you repay me? By bringing a lousy bum into my house who doesn't know how to work for themselves?!"

I have no idea whats going on but I suddenly feel the need to leave.

As I stand up however, I hear Mystery's voice, soft but full of power.

"Mother. How dare you call her a lousy bum who can't work for themselves. Her father is the man who let you keep your house when your rent was way past due. He's the one who enrolled me in school and got me to have three jobs to pay for your lousy ass. So if I were you, I wouldn't call her a lousy bum."

I sit back down and stare absent mindedly at the food in front of me.

"Here you are." Mystery comes back into the room and places a makeup bag in front of me. He smiles at me with a smile that I can tell instantly is fake.

"My father really did that?" I ask timidly.

His smile drops and he leans against the counter. "Yes. Three years ago, when I was 14, my father had gotten arrested for abuse and my mother became a drunk. She was fired from her job and we were about to lose our house when your father, Jay Bird, stepped in and gave me three jobs to work to pay off our debt and then he enrolled me in school. He still stops by every once in a while to check in on us."

I look down awkwardly. I felt so out of place in this situation. "So, um, you kept all of this," I motioned around me, "By yourself?"

He nods.

"Wow, I guess I am a lousy bum. I don't have to pay for hardly anything for myself. My parents just take care of it for me." I stand up. "Well, I'm ready to leave now. And the waffle was good by the way, so thanks."

"But you didn't even eat any of it." He looks at me knowingly.

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