Chapter Thirty -- My Fault...

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Jane's POV

My dad wheels me to the emergency hall and helps me stand to look through the window of the door. I watch with blurry eyes as several doctors rush into the nearest room on the left, where I assume Mystery was being kept.

I look up at my dad as tears start dripping down my face. He looks hurt, like it hurts him to see me like this, and that alone helps me feel loved.

"Oh Jane..." He throws his arms around me and I gingerly wrap mine around his shaking figure. "I'm a horrible father... I kicked you out of my own home and made you become someone who you're not. But because you were taught to be fake, you broke. And it's my fault. I almost lost you Jane! I almost lost my baby girl..." His voice cracks on that last sentence.

"Oh dad..." I sob into his shoulder as he sobs into mine.

"I'm so sorry Jane... I'm so sorry!" I've never heard or seen my dad cry and it was eye opening for me.

"I forgive you... I forgive you..." I squeeze his broad shoulders.

"Excuse me," I look up and see a male nurse standing next to us. I assume he's wanting to get through the doors that we're blocking.

"Oh I'm so sorry.." I say as I sit back down in my wheel chair and my dad pushes me out of the way while he wipes his nose on his sleeve.

"Thank you, but that's not all I was meaning to ask you." The nurse says. "But I was wondering if you knew the young man that was just taken in there." He motions towards the door. "I believe his name is Mys--"

"Mystery Volt." I finish for him and nod. "Yes I know him. Or knew him anyways..." I look down at my hands in my lap.

"That's good then, because the only contact we have for him is his girlfriend Macey. Do you happen to have his parent's phone numbers or some other relative?"

I get a sudden surge of jealousy. Why am I jealous of her? Even if they are together, he doesn't love me. And I don't love him. Right?

"No. If he didn't even have his relatives contacts, then the probability of anyone else having them is very rare." I answer quietly.

"Alright, thanks anyways." The nurse walks away and I return to looking through the door window. Me and my dad watch the empty hallway in silence, wondering what on earth was going to happen.


Me and my dad sit in the ER's waiting room, where my mom and Katey joined us an hour ago. We all sit in silence, looking into our thoughts.

Suddenly, someone bursts through the door, breaking the silence in the room. She's a bustle of blue hair and formal clothes. She looks around frantically and rushes up to the front desk.

"Mystery Volt. Where is he?" She breathes heavily and waits for the person behind the desk to give her the information she desires.

"He is currently undergoing surgery. He has a fractured skull, three broken ribs, and a broken leg. He is very lucky to be alive right now, and not paralyzed at that." The woman smiles sadly.

The girl with blue hair moans. "Hey look, can I leave a message here for him?"

"Of course."

"Tell him that I love him with all of my heart and I'll be back when my meeting is over. Love Macey." She says quickly and watches as the woman behind the desk scribbles on a notepad.

"I'll give this to him as soon as he's ready."

"Ok thank you so much!" Macey hurriedly grabs her purse and rushes back out the door she burst through moments before.

So that's Macey...

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