Chapter Seven -- Hostage

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Mystery's POV

There's so much more to this girl. But I just can't figure it out. But I'm so intrigued by her that I feel like I must figure her out. And soon.

We stare at each other from across the counter for a few long minutes. Then she huffs, snatches the makeup bag, and heads upstairs.

I chuckle as I go up to follow her.

She's in my room rather than the bathroom, which works even better for my plan. I walk in and she's sitting on the floor in front of my full-length mirror applying mascara. After I quietly enter, I shut the door and lock it.

When she hears the click, she looks over at me. "Did you just lock us in here?" she has a hostile look.

I hold up the key. "You didn't eat your waffle. So I'm holding you hostage until you try it." I laugh.

"Oh my god are you for real?? You can't hold me hostage for a flipping waffle!"

"Hey! You flip pancakes, not waffles. Watch your language cupcake." I defend my waffles. "And yes, I can hold you hostage. Your phone's battery is dead, my phone is out in the kitchen, there's no proof, and hopefully this won't take long." I smirk and her face turns red with anger.

"Fine then." she returns to doing her makeup.

I watch her as she applies mascara and eyeliner, making her beautiful eyes stand out even more. Then she pulls out some concealer and starts to cover her bruises.

That damn Jared! Abusing her like that, both mentally and physically. That is no way to treat a woman. She is not an object. Jane is a beautiful young women who needs to be shown lots of love.

"Um," I break out of my thoughts. "Could you, uh, maybe help me with this?" Jane points to an awkwardly placed bruise on the back of her neck that she is unable to reach.

"Uh, sure." I walk over to her and pick of the concealer bottle and put some on the tips of my fingers. I place my hand on her cold neck and she flinches slightly. I begin to gently rub the concealer in and once I'm done, I look at her through the mirror and she looks at me with an innocent look in her eyes.

"Why won't you eat?" I ask softly.

She looks down. "I'm just not hungry right now. Plus I'm on a diet."

"And you couldn't have just told me that in the first place?" I know that there is something more going on, I'm just not sure what.

"I thought you'd judge me. Like omg, why does she even bother? She definitely is one of those popular freaks that's always freaking out about their body image. And ya." she looks down at her lap and I scoot closer to her side.

"Jane, I wouldn't have judged you at all. I think you're beautiful with or without this diet of yours." Did I? Did I really just tell her I think she's beautiful even though she most definitely not my type?

Her voice is shaky. "You have no idea."

"I'm going to clean up downstairs, so how about you finish up here and I'll take you home?" I stand up as she nods and I walk out the door.

What did she mean by you have no idea? There is obviously something I'm missing here.

I walk into the kitchen and dump her butchered waffle into the trash. My damn mother! I throw the plate into the sink. She probably made Jane feel so insecure. Gahh! Why do I even care? She refuses to get to know me so why should I even bother with her!

Just then, a random thought popped into my head.

"Oh god no...." I moan as I realize exactly what Jane was meaning.

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