Chapter Thirty-Nine -- New Beginning

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Song: Cover Your Tracks - A Boy and His Kite

Wedding playlist:
I will be there - Odessa
Bonfire heart - James Blunt
Heart's a mess - Gotye
A thousand years - Christina Perry
Lovesong - Adele
Turning page - Sleeping at Last

This chapter will alternate between views often so just for easier understanding- 'J' means Jane's POV. And 'M' means Mystery's POV. Enjoy!


I breath deeply. Focus on the music. Don't twiddle your fingers. Remember your lines. You love her. I tell myself. I go over the lines I've ever so carefully memorized. The seats are filling up quickly and the music plays over the speakers. My best man, George, a friend from college, talks to his girlfriend. Mrs. Bird frets over everyone and everything. Jane's friend, Katey, sits quietly next to some of Jane's cousin's. I suddenly see my mother sitting in the back row. I haven't talked to her in over a year. She notices me looking at her and looks away, embarrassed. Her cheeks are sunken and her eyes have dark circles around them. I would go up and talk to her if the music suddenly didn't stop. We all pause as the wedding march starts to play. I straighten up and wait.


I grasp the handles of the door in front of me. Breath Jane! It's almost time for me to walk down the isle and I'm not sure I'm ready. I rehearse my lines over and over in my head.

The doors in front of me lead to many things. They lead to an outdoor setup with lights and roses and many people who I know and don't know. The doors also lead me to my future husband, Mystery, who is probably not nervous at all. They also lead to a new beginning. New opportunities. A new life. I will be a wife, a mother, a lover, a cook. I could be someone people look up to, someone who will make a difference, make an impact. I can be the real me.

I take another deep breath when I feel a hand gently on my back.

"You're a strong girl, Jane. You can do this. My little girl has finally found her life despite all of the blockages. You found the perfect man and the perfect job. You can finally be you. Jane you've always inspired me how you can find the beauty in the ugly things. You make every rough edge smooth. Every sharp point flat. I'm proud to call you my baby girl." My dad says softly.

Tears well up in my eyes as I turn to face my dad. "Aw thank you daddy!" I hug him tightly. Then I hear the wedding march. We both look towards the door and he holds out his arm for me. I link my arm with his and take another deep breath, then we exit the hall.


She walks out in a bundle of grace and beauty. Her dress is a beautiful black and holds her body perfectly. Her blonde hair is pinned up perfectly and her makeup is just perfect. Jane defines perfect. She looks like a perfect vampire bride and I love it. She's my vampire bride. She looks around nervously at the crowd before her eyes land on me. She stands up straighter and walks with a more defined purpose when she makes eye contact. I smile at her and can't help the ball of emotion that gets stuck in my throat. She looks so beautiful right now.


As soon as I see Mystery, I get the sense that I can do this. He's dressed in a black button up shirt and black slacks. His hair is brushed back and he looks exactly like the vampire groom that I had envisioned. Perfect. I squeeze my dads arm tighter and walk towards Mystery, him set as my goal.

I hardly notice how close we are until my dad gives me another hug and walks to sit by my mother (who's in tears) on the front row.

Mystery holds out his hand and I place mine in his. Perfect. We walk up towards the pastor and listen to his service.


I say my vows first. I turn to face Jane and once I meet her gaze, tears start to well up behind my eyes. I never would have guessed that I'd be lucky enough to meet back up with my high school sweetheart and be standing here with her now.

"Jane Bird, I vow to love you and keep you in safety for the remainder of my life on earth. I vow to always be your shoulder to cry on, your hand to hold, yours to lean on. I will always respect your point of view and what you have to say. I will strive to be a perfect husband and father. Because I love you Jane and I need you forever in my life." I lift my hand up and wipe away a stray tear, rolling down her cheek.

"Mystery, I don't need a perfect husband, I need you. As long as you're there with me, I will feel loved and safe. I know I can rely on you to comfort me." My cheek is now wet from the tears she's unleashed. "Mystery Volt, I love you. And I vow to always love you and to honor you in our home. You will be respected and cherished by everyone in it. I promise to always help you get through your trials and pain."

We're both crying now as we look each other in the eyes.


We exchange rings.

"Mr. Volt, you may now kiss Mrs. Volt."

Mystery doesn't hesitate. He swoops in gracefully and holds me tightly. Our kiss is one that I will never forget. It is soft but urgent. Sweet but passionate. And I love it. I love him.

The crowd cheers and we pull apart, facing our friends and family. I'm blushing like crazy and I'm sure my makeup is running all down my face by now. Mystery looks completely composed save a few tear stains on his cheeks.

This was it. We're married. I'm Mrs. Volt.

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