Chapter Fourteen -- News

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Mystery's POV

As I pull up to my house, I realize that someone is there, leaning against the side wall. The only way I noticed him was from the light from his cigarette. The closer I look, I realize that there's not just one. There's about four people from what I can tell.

It's probably just one of the neighbourhood gangs... I tell myself as I get out of my car, making sure to lock it, and head towards my front door. But I'm stopped.

"Well hello Mystery. My emo friend." It's Jared.

I sigh as I turn towards him and his little gang as they start to circle around me. "Well hello Jared, Kade, Danny, and Rick. Pleasure to see you at this late hour." I say sarcastically.

Jared spits out his cigarette and step on it. "Just shut up already and let me talk."

I wait.

"Ok freak. I understand that you're hitting on that bitch Jane right? Well she needs to leave. I can't stand to look at her hideous face anymore. Granted, she's got a fine ass and nice breasts, wouldn't you agree? I'm sure she's let you feel them by now. I mean it's been what, a week? If that slut hasn't laid herself on you by now, then you must not be her type." he smirks.

I clench my fists and glare at Jared while all of his friends laugh.

"Anyways. Her mother has actually been paying me to hit on her. A good price too. Apparently, you're bitch used to be just like you. She had long funky colored hair and scars all over her body. She would listen to trashy music and talk about getting tattoos and piercings. Her parents hated it. So they told her that if she didn't change to their liking, then they would kick her out in the gutter. They wanted the perfect, cute child. So she dyed her hair blonde, changed her style, listened to new music, and they moved here."

It all makes sense now. Why she would hardly look at me before. Why she lied about liking Meghan Trainor, Justin Timberlake, and 5 seconds of summer. Why she became friends with idiots like this. Why her dad told me to not let her mother find out. It all is starting to click together.

"So you have two choices, keep dating her and send her to the streets, or dump her and make her want to either leave or kill herself. There is no in between. You can't just walk away because then you leave it in my hands and I would gladly kill her-- well maybe rape her first, anyways, I would gladly kill her and you in a heart beat." He smirks and makes an inappropriate sex motion, making his friends laugh hysterically.

Keep your cool. I remind myself. Don't give them the satisfaction.

"Anyways. You have until the end of the semester. If she's not gone by then, I'll take care of it." Jared and his friends leave. Leaving me alone in the dark with dark thoughts.

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