Chapter Sixteen -- I'm Dying

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Mystery's POV

I don't know what to say. But right now, I think that's alright.

We drive for about an hour in silence before she says, "I'm sorry. I'm making this such a huge deal. I'm sorry you had to get caught in all the chaos."

"Jane, don't say that. Remember what I told you about a month ago? I. Love. You. Jane. I really do. And if you need me, I will ALWAYS be there for you. You hear me? Always." I take one hand off the wheel and place it on her leg.

She nods.

I pull off the road and park in an old, empty parking lot. I stop and turn the car off. I take my seatbelt off and lean over and kiss her. A short and simple kiss, but full of love and passion.

When I pull away, she pulls me back. "I need this right now." She whispers against my mouth.

I'm perfectly fine with that.

Our kisses turn more and more heated. Soon, I end up shirtless and my hands sneak up her shirt, feeling her cool, bare stomach.

When we've both had our fill of passion before we can go any further, we sit next to each other, panting and enjoying each others presences.

"How far are you from the next town?" She asks.

"Maybe like 15 minutes or so to Magna. Why?" I ask as I twirl a strand of her hair in my fingers.

"I want to dye my hair."

"What color?" I ask.

"I used to have orange/pink, but I've been thinking, I want to have white going into red going into black. How does that sound?" She turns her beautiful face up towards mine and I kiss her.

"Sounds beautiful."

I start the car up again and we drive to Magna. We find the cheapest salon and walk in.

"First let me take a "before" picture of you." I turn her around and snap a quick shot.

"I wasn't ready! Take another one." she complains.

"Nah, I think this one's good." I snicker as I show her the picture with her face all weird looking.

She sighs.

I wait in the chair next to her for the whole three hours it took for them to do her hair. I made ugly faces whenever she'd look over at me.

Eventually Jane convinced me to die the tips of my black hair white. And must I say, it looks pretty damn good.

"Ok, take the after picture." She smiles for me and I take about 100 pictures of her.

"Goddammit Jane. You look flipping amazing." I groan as she stands from the chair and skips over to me and puts her legs on the outside of mine and sits on my knees. She brushes my hair to the side and kisses me slowly and I place my hands on her butt.

"Um, excuse me. We have other customer's." Jane stands up and clears her throat. We look apologetically at the girl behind us.

"Sorry, uh, we were just leaving." Jane grabs my hand and pulls me out of the chair.

Once we're outside the shop, I ask someone if they could take a picture of us. They take three and in the first shot, we're smiling. The second shot is with goofy faces. And in the last shot I surprise her with a kiss.

We stop to grab a quick meal from Burger King before we head back home.

"Jane, please eat something. Even if it's just a kiddy size fry." I beg as we enter the drive through.

She pauses to think, which is the most she's done yet from whenever I ask her to eat.

"Fine. But only a kiddy fry. And I'm not promising to eat the whole thing." She warns me.

I smile. "Thank you Jane. I'm not asking for you to eat the whole thing, just a few at least."

I watch her as she eats the entire box of her fries and some of mine and I laugh to myself.

"God, I haven't had fries in sooo long!" she says as we drive.

"So Jane, what is your favorite Pierce the Veil song?" I ask.

"Hmmm, a match into water."

I smile. "Good choice." I plug my phone into the aux cord and find her song.

We both sing along to it and when it comes to the instrumental part she says, "Mystery, can this be our song?"

"Jane, of course. From now on, this is our song. OUR song." I take her hand in mine and drive her home.

When we get there, it's dark outside.

"Are you sure you don't want me to come in with you?" I ask. "I can explain everything so they don't yell at you."

"They'll yell at me anyways. Thank you though. And thank you so much for all you've done for me. I-- ah shit Mystery. I love you so god damn much." She kisses me and gets out of the car.

Thats the first time that she has ever told me that she loves me. I'm ecstatic. I "woot" in my car and hit the wheel as I watch her walk inside her dark house.

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