Chapter Eight -- Reasons

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Jane's POV -- September 19, 2016

I really didn't want to go to school today for so many reasons.

Reason 1: I probably have no friends anymore.

Reason 2: Jared probably told the entire school a bunch of lies about me.

Reason 3: I really don't want to see Mystery again after our little 'waffle hostage' thingy.

Reason 4: I may or may not have stolen something from Mystery and I'm afaid he'll give me hell for taking it.

But I can't just hide from my problems now can I?

Despite the warm weather, I wear a long sleeve turtle neck to cover the bruises and my recent scars.

I haven't hurt myself in months but after talking to Mystery, I felt awful and I just couldn't keep it in any longer. No one here knows about what I do to myself and I wish to keep it that way.

Only one person, my best friend from my old school, knows. Her name is Destiny and we'd been friends ever since day one of kindergarten. But I've left her and now I'm alone.

I walk through the doors of school and head straight for my locker. I open it and a little note falls out.

I know you took it. And I would like them back please.

It's from Mystery. I sigh and grab my books and head to class. I walk in and avoid looking towards the back of the class where Mystery sits.

I sit through class, not really listening to anything the teacher is saying. I eventually give up trying and insert my earbuds and play some Meghan Trainor. I hate her songs, but maybe they'll remind me of who I'm supposed to be.

The bell rings and I rush to leave the classroom. I take in a sharp intake of breath as someone grabs my arm tightly, squeezing my cuts. It's Jared.

"You little hoe. Thinking you could just come back here and be accepted. Nobody likes you. Why don't you just leave?" he hisses into my ear.

"Jared. Let go of my arm please." Tears sting my eyes.

"Like hell I am! I'll only let go if you promise that by next week, you're gone. Either to a new school, or to hell, I don't care which."

"Jared let go of her." I turn and see Mystery walking up to us.

"Who do you think you are emo freak??" Jared yells across the hall, making heads turn towards all of us. Ughhh I hate attention like this!

"Jared. You're drawing quite a crowd, I would recommend letting go of her if you want to not be caught." Mystery softly takes a hold of my arm, above Jareds tight grip, and trys to pry off his fingers.

Eventually Jared huffs, let's go, and runs down the hall.

Mystery slides his hand down to my hand and pulls my sleeve up, revealing my newer cuts and past scars.

"What are you doing?" I hiss.

He bends down and kisses my forearm, while looking up into my eyes. His breath is soft and his lips are warm.

I'm shocked at what he's doing. How did he know?

I look around and am grateful that we're the only ones in the hall right now.

He stands straight again and pulls my sleeve down.

"I'm so sorry Jane." he whispers.

I stare at him with a shocked expression on my face.

"But why?" I wonder.

He pulls up his sleeve, revealing hundreds of scars just like mine. Without realizing it, I move my hand and touch his scars, feeling the beautiful scars on critical veins (<<name this song<<).

"And I believe you have something of mine." he says quietly and I pull my hand away, remembering. "I would like them back please, Jane."

The late bell rings but neither of us makes no move to leave.

"But you don't need them." I say and look into his eyes.

"And neither do you, Jane. Please don't be hypocritical about this." he says sternly while pulling down his sleeve.

"I'll bring them tomorrow." I say after a small moment.

He nods then leaves to his class, leaving me alone in the hallway.

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