Chapter Three -- Prince Charming

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Jane's POV

Beep beep beep

My alarm blares at 6 o'clock in the morning. I groan as I roll over onto my side and press the snooze button.

"Jane! You better not have pressed snooze again! I'm not going to be able to take you to school today." My mother, Mary Jane Bird, calls from down the hall.

I groan and sit up in my bed, rubbing my tired eyes. It's been about two weeks since school started and thankfully me and Mystery haven't had to talk since that first day. I've been hanging out with Jessica, Paige, and Jared. They're the "popular" kind of kids and so I've been getting a lot of attention. My parents are so proud of me.

I get out of bed and head over to my closet. I grab my floral tank top with a light grey shrug and dark grey skinny jeans. I add my baby blue sandals and and some gold bracelets, then head to the bathroom. I'm startled for a second as I look in the mirror. After two months, you'd think that I'd be used to having blonde hair, but I'm not. I finish getting ready, skip breakfast again, and wait to say goodbye to my mother.

"You look gorgeous honey." My mom hurriedly walks into the room and kisses my forehead. "Have a great day! I'll be home at eight so you'll have to make your own dinner again."

I nod as she rushes out the door. We hardly ever have dinner together. My parents are both fully invested in their jobs. My dad is always gone on business trips and my mom works long shifts. Plus, I'm an only child.

I head outside with my backpack, get in my car, and drive to school. As I arrive, I see some student council members putting up a large sign above the front doors.

Homecoming! September 16th, 2016. $45 per couple at the front office. Disney princess themed! See you there!

I throw up in my mouth as I walk inside the school. I hate dances. Plus, I swear, at least 10 girls find out they're pregnant the next month. Despite being a senior in high school now, I have yet to attend a school dance. So I suppose it's not fair to say that I hate them. But still. I hate them.

My first three classes pass slowly. But finally, lunch arrives.

"Jane!" Paige squeals as I walk up to the lunch table. "We were just talking about you!"

I'm confused. "Uh oh, what about?" I sit down next to Jessica and realize that Jared isn't here yet when he usually is.

Paige and Jessica look at each other mischieviously. "Well, we overheard Jared talking to his guy friends, and he mentioned that he was going to ask you to the homecoming dance!" Paige squeals again.

My mouth falls open. "But I don't even know him that well!"

"Then this is the perfect opportunity! Homecoming: a chance for a new beginning!"

New beginnings... I know what that entails only too well.

"Hmm, well I suppose you're right." I think.

"Ok but you have to promise to say yes when he asks you!"

"Alright I will!" I give in.

"You will what?" Jared sits down next to me.

"I will... Go to the mall with these two on Friday." I cover and they both giggle.

"Oh how fun!" He exclaims.

We chat for a little bit and while Jessica and Paige are arguing about fashion trends, Jared slides a small folded up piece of paper underneath my hand thats resting on the table. I grab it without looking at him and slip it into my backpack to read while not in the presence of Paige or Jessica.

My next class is English and since we have reading hour on Monday's I looked at the note then. "Hey cutie! Meet me in the fantasy isle in the library after school! ;)" Why does my heart flutter like it just did? Ew! I mean, Jared is cute, but relationships are ew!

Ugh I'm getting ahead of myself. Just because he asked me to meet him after school, doesn't mean that he's going to ask me to the dance. And even if he asks me to the dance, that doesn't automatically make us boyfriend and girlfriend. Ugh the mind of a teenage girl...

The final bell rang and I head straight to the library, getting more anxious every step of the way. I open the door and don't see anybody there. I walk to the fantasy isle and gasp.

Before my eyes are tons of pink, white, and gold balloons. Everything is covered in glitter, including the large poster paper that read: Every princess needs a tiara for the ball. Will you be my princess for homecoming? And in the center of it all is Jared. He's standing there with a bright smile on his face and in his hands is an expensive looking tiara.

My hands go up to my opened mouth as I try and take everything in.

"How about it princess?" Jared takes a few steps closer to me.

I smile widely. Never before has anyone done anything this sweet for me! I nod quickly. "Yes! Oh my goodness of course!" I run up and hug him. My dashing prince.

We let go of each other and he places the tiara carefully on my head. 👑

Photograph is Jared McConnell

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