Chapter Thirty-One -- Rose Bush

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Jane's POV

I sit in my wheelchair at the edge of Mystery's bed, holding his cut/bruised hand in mine. I'm alone in the room with his steady breathing and heart monitor as the only form of sound.

"Oh Mystery..." I choke back another sob. "I've really messed up..."

Suddenly, the door burst open and Macey barges in. She looks at me for a split second before turning on Mystery.

"Oh my Mystery!" She exclaims and rushes over to his side. I let go of his hand and back up a little to give her room.

She takes my place and holds the back of her hand against his forehead. "Oh my god what did you do??" She exclaims as she looks over his multiple casts and wraps. "Mystery?" She says more softly. "Mystery can you hear me? Are you awake?"

Obviously not or else he'd have his eyes open, duh. I think to myself.

I start to wheel my chair out of the room, to give them some alone time. When I reach the door, I hear a faint voice say, "Don't leave."

I stop.

"Oh baby I'm not going to leave." Macey sighs in relief.

I start to wheel out into the hall again.

"Jane..." The faint voice calls softly.

"Jane? I'm not-" Macey turns to look at me, confusion clear on her face.

I look over my shoulder and see Mystery turned slightly in his bed, looking straight at me. I must be delusional... But he called my name.. No. I'm hearing things.

I start wheeling away once more.

"Jane..! Come back! Please..."

I turn around. There's no way I can be imagining things now. I wheel back into the room and don't notice Macey's icy glare as I wheel slowly back up to his side, looking only at him. His bright green eyes sparkle with tears as he smiles up at me.

"I thought I was in heaven when I heard your voice, but then I saw you in your wheelchair and knew, that even if heaven actually did exist, you would not be in a wheelchair in heaven. Jane..." His voice cracks. "You came back to me..." A single tear falls down the side of his face as he smiles up at me. A smile so pure and honest that it brings tears to my own eyes.

"I did." I say softly and wipe away his tear with my thumb. His hand shakes as he reaches up and grabs my hand and pulls it to his lips, never breaking eye contact with me.

He closes his eyes as he kisses every single one of my fingers. "Are you going to leave again?"

I forgot that Macey was still present until she stood up and stormed out of the room.

"But you have a girlfriend." I reply.

"Obviously not anymore." Mystery attempts a laugh but it quickly turns into a cough. I hurriedly grab the glass of water from the side table and hold it up to his lips, tipping it slowly and letting him drink.

"No." I answer and he looks up at me. I put his water back on the table. "I'm never going to leave you again, Mystery." I stroke his hair out of his face.

We sit in silence, togther, for a few beautiful moments.

"Marry me Jane?" Mystery says suddenly. "Be my wife. Mother our children. Sleep by my side. Forever and always?" His bright eyes stare intently at me and wait for my response.

I'm stunned. I have no idea what to think. "I- Mystery... I'm a different person than I was before. I don't think you'll like me now... I've- done things, that I'm ashamed of. I'm not sure you'd want me to sleep by your side, be your wife, or mother any children if you knew all that I've done." I say sadly and look down.

"My rose... You know, rose bushes can only continue growing if the buds get cut off sometimes. They have to look hideous in the winter so they can blossom and bloom in the summer. They go through that process year after year so they can reach their full potentials. I know you've made mistakes Jane, but so have I. And we can work through them together. I believe that we can work this out." Mystery lays a hand on my cheek and wipes away the tears I was unaware that I was crying. "I love you, Jane. So very much."

"I- I love you too Mystery.." I sob and stand weakly from my wheelchair and throw my arms around his neck. I plant small kisses all over his face while saying, "I love you." in between them all. "And yes I'll marry you."

His hands are around my neck and he guides me to his lips. We linger there, together, for a moment before pulling apart.

"I thought I'd never get to kiss those lips again." He smiles sweetly and I know I made the right decision.

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