Author's Note

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OH MY GOSH YOU DID IT!! You made it to the end! Please tell me what you thought! I am now in the editing process but this book is DONE! Comment and vote and share and everything! I hope you liked this book as much as I liked writing it!

I may write a second book of this in Rose's point of view as she makes it through her teenage years. I am still debating wither or not I should so PLEASE let me know what you think! Should there be romance? Should it end more realistic? Should it be a shorter book? What do you guys want??

While I'm deciding that, please check out and vote for some of my other books!

If you're into... Read...
Science Fiction: Beyond Limits, or Rebellion
Horror: MAD
Fantasy: Elohyme, Queen of Spades, or Roseblood
Romance: Beautiful Minds
Historical Fiction: Hit and Miss

Thank you all so much for your support! I can't express my gratitude to you! Lots of love!!

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