Chapter Five -- 5SOS

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Mystery's POV -- September 16th, 2016

It's pitch black outside besides the few measly street lamps on the way back to my home. If you could even call it that. They say home is where the heart is, but my heart is most definitely not here.

My mother was abused by her father and now my father until he was taken to jail. So now it's just me and my mom, sort of. She's mostly either passed out on the couch or yelling at me to get my crap together. Ironic huh?

I work three jobs and I'm on my way "home" from one right now.

I pull my hood over my head and stuff my hands in my pockets. It's starting to change from warm summer nights to chilly fall evenings.

All of the sudden, I see a figure on the ground in the gutter. It's hard to tell but from where I'm at it looks like a girl. I rush over to the heap on the ground and kneel beside her.

I turn her so her face is towards the nearest street lamp.

"Oh my god! Jane are you ok?" The closer I look at her, the more of a mess she looks. I can see a few faint bruises on her face and neck and her red dress is tattered.

"Jane, can you hear me? Make some sort of noise or movement if you can." I wait. Then her eyelids flicker slightly and she moans. "Oh thank god!"

I adjust her so that I can pick her up with ease. I'm actually surprised at how light weight she is.

Since I'm only about a block from my place I carry her the whole way there.

I open the door and as I expected at this late hour, my mom was passed out on the couch with a beer bottle in her hand. I take Jane up to my room, being careful not to hit her head on anything.

I lay her on my bed and make sure her head is comfortably on the pillow and I tuck her underneath the blanket. Glad I keep my room clean....


I wake up to a noise that reminds me a lot like a cow. Then I remember the events of last night and I jump up from my makeshift bed on the floor.

"Jane!" I sigh in relief as she starts to sit up.

"Oh... My god..." she moans and rubs her eyes. "Oh my god."


"Oh my god!" she sits up straight and looks around her.

"Jane, before you start freaking out, let me explain." I step forward carefully and she looks at me warily.

"He hit me. A lot. And hard. We were drunk. And it was dark." She rubs her temples as if trying to remember more.

"Jane, who hit you and why?" I ask as I slowly go to sit next to her on the bed.

She looks at me. "He touched me, so I slapped him, and then he got mad. Jared McConnell. It was him. My prince to homecoming." She started to cry.

"Oh Jane, I'm so sorry." I didn't know what to say or what to do to comfort her because we've barely even talked and I know nothing about her.

Before I could even try to comfort her in anyway however, she stopped crying suddenly and look at me.

"Why in the hell am I here?"

I chuckle inwardly at her sudden mood swing and answer her. "I was walking home from work and I saw you knocked out in the gutter so I brought you to my place to rest up."

She nods. "Ok. Um, thanks, I guess." she says awkwardly as she looks around my room at all my band posters.

"Oh my god you got Vic Fuentes' signature!?" She squeals suddenly then she blushes. "Uh, I mean, that's cool I guess."

My face lights up and my smile slowly widens. "You little liar! 5sos?? Oh no... That's not your band now is it? You like Pierce the Veil don't you?!"

"Ok, I like maybe one of their songs." she brushes it away.

"No, I think you like more than one."

"Ok! Fine I might like three but thats it!" she looks annoyed now and I smirk.

"Hmm, and you don't by chance happen to like three songs by My Chemical Romance, or Green Day, or All Time Low, or Black Veil Brides now do you?" I ask slyly.

She huffs. "So what if I do? Now can I clean myself up?"

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