Chapter Seventeen -- Rain

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Jane's POV

It's dark inside my house as I quietly walk inside.

"Jane? Is that you?" I hear my dads soft voice from the living room. He turns on a lamp and I see my mother sitting next to him on the couch. "Sit down."

I sit down, not excited for whatever was coming for me.

"Jane. We can't do this anymore. You're sending your life to the graves and there's nothing we can do to change that. To change you. I'm sorry Jane, but this is it. We've had enough." My dad says.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Jane, I'm not sure how to say this nicely. We don't want to call it "kicking you out", but we're, grounding you, in a sense, from your home. Until you decide to change back into who you really are. Not this rebellious, emo, child that we can't control. You need to learn to appreciate us. So you have tonight to pack whatever you may need and to figure out where you're going to go." My mother says coldly.

What. The. Fuck.

"Ok this is ridiculous. I know I'm not what you want me to be, but thats no reason to kick me out of the house!" I stand up.

"Grounding." My mother corrects.

"Oh whatever! Goddamnit people! I hope you all go to hell! And trust me when I say, I'm never coming back here." I march to my room and start packing.

I grab underwear, clothes, socks, hair brush, makeup, tooth brush/paste, hair products, and other miscellaneous stuff plus a blanket.

I make sure to keep my headphones and phone on me as I pack my other things in a duffle bag. A single tear falls from my eye. I hardly feel anything. I'm not hurt, I'm not sad, or happy, or excited, or depressed or anything. Just numb. No feelings. But they'll probably catch up to me sometime.

As I'm rushing to pack, I scrape my arm on my hand mirror and a cut about two inches long starts to bleed on my hand.

Fuck it.

**Mature** I sit down on my not-so bed and add another cut. And another. And another. Soon my whole left arm is sliced and bleeding. I'm still not crying despite all the pain I'm feeling on the outside and the inside.

I put on a jacket, grab all my stuff and walk out of my room.

"Make sure to stay caught up on your school work." My mother whispers quietly as I open the door.

"Fuck you." I say as I slam the door behind me and walk away.

It's colder outside than I was expecting. I hug my blanket around me as I begin the long walk.

I could call him but I need some time to myself and a nice long walk outside.

I look down at my jacket and see a small blood spot on my sleeve. That's when I realize how bad my arm is stinging.

I'm such an idiot. My parents didn't even look hurt when they "grounded" me from the house. Maybe I could've done something different. But if I had stayed with Jareds group, I probably would've lost my virginity by now and they just aren't good people.

When I was about 13 years old, I made a vow to myself to stay a virgin until after I was married. So far so good.

I feel a raindrop fall on my face and I look up at the sky.

"Why does all this shit land on me?" I ask the dark clouds.

The rain falls harder and faster and soon, my tears are mixing into the rain dripping down my face.

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