Chapter Twenty-eight -- Confessions and More Tears

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Mystery's POV


I stop in my tracks but don't turn back around.

"Mystery, what are you doing here?" I hear a moment later and my heart beat goes wild.

My heart races and my mind stops and the tears start to flow.

"Jane..." I voice barely audible as I slowly start to turn back around.

I see her, still laying in the same position, but with her eyes open and looking at me.

I stand my ground, not wanting to flood her.

"Jane... Oh my God Jane you're alive...!!" I sob as I look into her beautiful multicolored eyes. She stares at me with a blank face as I continue to sob in relief.

I slowly walk towards the side of her bed. I hesitantly take her hand in mine, and she doesn't object.

"Why are you here?" she asks slowly again once my sobs have quieted.

"Jane, you father called me and said you were in critical condition. So of course I came." I smile down at her.

"But I was in critical condition for four years, ever since I left. You weren't there then..." She stares up at me blankly.

"Jane... I'm so sorry... If I could change anything, I would go back and bring you back to me. But you left me Jane!" I wheeze and wipe away tears. Jane looks away from my face.

"I loved you Mystery... I thought it was my only choice... I was a blind teenage girl with messed up emotions that blinded me from seeing things clearly." Her face scrunches up. "I'm so sorry... It's all my fault!" She starts to cry.

I can't stop myself. I lean down and kiss her again. This time with more meaning.

I pull back and she looks at me with an aghast expression. "Jane. There's no way in hell that it's just your fault. It was mine just as equally."

We stare at each other for a beautiful moment then she turns her face away from me.

"You need to leave Mystery." I stare at her, processing her words. "Now."

"Jane... I don't-- I don't understand. It's been years since we've seen each other, and you just tell me to go away." I stand confused with my eyebrows scrunched.

"Mystery, seeing you did me no good that night in the coffee shop. It's not your fault, it's mine, but I can't be around you anymore." She stares out the window.

I stare at her. Waiting for her to say 'just kidding!' but I got no such luck. "Jane... I can't be without you..."

"And I can't be with you." She snaps at me.

I'm taken aback at her words. I start to get angry, but instead of taking it out on her, I leave. I quickly walk out of the room, passing her parents and Katey on my way down stairs.

"She's awake." I say without stopping as I pass them.

I continue to the gift shop and walk in. There's a bouquet of roses and I pluck one from the group. I walk over to the cashier and add a tag with my number on it to the flower.

"Could you send this up to room 389 please?" I say as I fish a couple dollars out of my pocket and hand them to the old lady behind the counter.

She smiles sweetly at me and pushes the money back my direction. "I will. But it's free. Have a nice day sir." I smile back at her, grab my money, and head out of the hospital.

As I drive back to my appartment, I start to cry out of anger.

"God, why this? I know she's alive, but I was counting on you to bring us back together!" I say out loud as I wipe my cheek.

I continue to curse at the empty sky and soon I'm blinded by tears.

Suddenly, I feel a sudden jerk and I start spinning. I loose control of my car and can see, taste, smell, and feel blood trickling down various parts of my body.

My vision goes in and out and I can suddenly remember everything from mine and Jane's relationship in highschool. I smile to myself as my car continues spinning in slow motion.

We had it good... Didn't we? I'm glad I wasted those miserable monthss with her, she added light to my life. I loved her. I love her. She loved me. But thats it. Those days are gone.

I throw my hands up in the air as I sob. "Take me God..." I whisper as my vision goes black.

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