Chapter Thirty-Three -- Dinner Night

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Mystery's POV

I walk in through the door of my apartment after work and immediately smell delicious food and hear Pierce the Veil playing. I smile, thinking about how lucky I am to have an amazing woman like Jane in my life.

I put my keys and bag on the couch and walk around the corner to see Jane bending over the stove with an apron wrapped around her small waist.

I quietly walk up behind her, which wasn't hard because she was blasting King For a Day, and look over her shoulder at the delicious noodles cooking in the pot. I wrap my arms around her from behind and she stops what she's doing.

We hold each other and sway to the beat of the music for a moment before she turns her head towards mine and kisses me.

"Welcome home." She smiles. "How was work?"

I sigh in content. It couldn't get any better than this. "It was pretty good! You know the Sara kid I was telling you about who is struggling with depression? I got her to laugh today! That was a big accomplishment in my book."

Jane shifts in my arms so that now we're facing each other. "That's amazing!" She wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me again, this time more passionately.

I don't want to stop. All I want to do is pick her up and take her to our room. I want to lay her down and treat her like royalty. I want to do something we've never done together. I want to see her. I want to touch her. I want to taste her. I want her.

But she pulls away as if she could read my thoughts and was scared. She smiles up at me and turns back to the pot on the stove.

"Dinner is almost ready." She says and points to the dinning table which is all set up with a table cloth, wine glasses, and plates.

I smile and kiss her cheek. "It looks lovely. But I can't sit down yet."

"Why not?" She asks without taking her eyes off of the cooking pasta.

"I can't sit down until you do my dear." I put my hands on her shoulders.

I can almost hear her smile.

Once she's finished I help her put the food on the table and pull her seat out for her. I help her get settled before sitting down at my own seat across from hers.

She watches me expectantly as I begin to eat the meal on my plate. This spaghetti is probably the best I have ever had!

"This is delicious!" I exclaim and eat more. She smiles and picks at the salad on her plate.

Jane has lived with her eating disorder for most of her life now and is still trying to get over it. I'm proud of how far she's come.

"So," I start once I had a break in my food. "How'd your interview go today?"

She looks up. "It was good! They asked to see me again for a trial shift next week so that's good I guess."

"That's amazing! I'm so proud of you! You definitely would deserve the job!" I say as I take another bite of food.

She smiles slightly.

"So what do you want to do tonight?" I ask as I finish off the food on my plate.

"Maybe we could watch a movie? Or play a game? What do you want to do?" She takes hers and my plate and places them gently in the sink before coming back over with a bottle of wine.

"Maybe would could play a game of battleship or something, then watch a movie or two, then, I don't know, cuddle a bit?" I wink as she pours the dark liquid into my glass and blushes.

I stand up and walk over to a cupboard in the wall and pull out five red waxed candles. I take them into the living area where I light the fire place, then all the candles. I put the candles on the fireplace mantle. I pull out several blankets and lay them on the couch.

Jane comes over with both of our glasses and sets them on the coffee table in front of the leather couch. We take a moment to change into more comfortable clothes before sitting next to each other on the couch, cuddled in warm blankets.

"Ok," I say once we have our game ready. "B-8."


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