Chapter Eleven -- Doubles

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Mystery's POV -- September 23, 2016

I walk into class right as the bell rang. I wink at Jane as I walk past her desk and head towards the back.

I love it when she blushes like that. It's freaking adorable.

Today was going to be a good day. I was going to ask Jane out today. I've been practicing what to say all week. There's a drive-through movie playing tonight and I wanted to take her to it.

"Good morning class! So as many of you have probably heard already from my other classes, you're getting your term final project assignment today. And you have a month, until October 28, to work on it with your class partner." Mrs. Knowles says.

I perk up, now I have an entire month to use classwork as an excuse to hang out with her. She looks back at me and smiles.

Mrs. Knowles gives one partner from each group the assignment paper, so she gave it to Jane.

The rest of the class time was to be used working on the final project. Jane came and joined me in the back and handed me the paper.

"We have to write a skit about the Greek Olympics, then film it. We can use as many people as we need and it has to be between 5-7 minutes." she explains as she scoots a chair up to my desk.

Ever since Monday, I have been eating lunch with Jane and we've been spending as much free time in school hours as possible together. I can never hang out after school because of my jobs but other than that, nothing/nobody has messed with us since Jared.

I hardly see him anymore but I know that he wasn't suspended or anything because I have seen him at least once everyday. But as far as I know, he hasn't bothered Jane anymore since Monday.

I draped my arm around her frail figure and we began to plan our skit.


It was lunch now and I rush to me and Jane's meeting spot in the math hall. I was going to ask her, it's time. My breathing is quick and my heart pounds against my chest as I see her already sitting there with her notebook in her lap. She looks up when she hears my footsteps echoing down the empty hall and smiles when she see's me. I smile back. When I see her smile like that, it melts my heart and just need her so much more.

That's right. I need her. She's my antidepressant drug. My umbrella in a thunder storm. The rose to my thorns. She just doesn't know it yet.

I sit down beside her and she lays her head on my shoulder.

"What's this for?" I ask as I pet her smooth blonde hair.

She shrugs. "I don't know, I just got a sudden wave of happiness when I saw you."

I smile as I plant a kiss to the top of her head.

"So Jane, um, so there's a drive-through movie playing tonight and I was wanting to take you to it. It's playing both of the Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland movies tonight and I thought you'd like to go." I ask. She's in love with Tim Burton's style and I approve full-heartedly.

She looks up at me. "Are you serious?! I would absolutely love to!" she exclaims. "But what about work?"

"I was able to get some time off for tonight." I explain and she hugs me tightly.

"Thank you! I'm super excited!"

I hug her back and take in her coffee scent.

I eat my lunch and she draws for a few minutes. Then she pipes up, "So, do you notice anything different about me?" she turns her face towards me and I take my time to search every inch of her. She tucks a strand of hair behind her ear and then I see it.

"You got doubles!" I say excitedly, realizing that she used the same studs that I used the first time I pierced my ears.

"And..." She turns her face to the angle and points to her nose.

"You got your nose pierced too?! You look amazing! What did your mom say?"

She scoffs. "She hasn't noticed and she probably won't for a very long time." I hug her again. She's becoming Jane Bird, and I love h-- it.

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